And just incase yall forgot what he looks like then here he is

LMAO @ that pic!
Some do loss hair, some don't. Getting in all your protein, taking your vitamins..especially biotin, is supposed to lessen the chances of losing hair. Also, putting less strain on your hair (chemicals and braids) seems to lessen hair loss also.
I wore a short, natural cut so I didn't notice much of a loss.
The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. - Oprah Winfrey
First, as long as you are getting in enough protein and vitamins you will not notice as much as when you are not. Good sign check your fingernails. They will be brittle too and far easier to notice than your hair. Biotin will help the new hair grow in stronger but will not prevent the hair loss once it starts. Might be a good idea to take it anyway to get a leg up.
I lost hair and it has pretty much stopped. But I have very very very thick hair and was told it was not noticeable. I am planning very seriously on going bald for 2009. Not because the hair loss is that dramatic but, I have some parts where it all grew in perfectly fine and others where it just seems thin so I want to start all over. Maybe I should just admit the thinness has to do with age and not WLS???? Good Luck in your Journey!
Some do, some don't, I did at about 3 months out. My beautiful hair started to shed. I can't lie it hurt, but I have always changed my looks so I was use to wearing wigs and I just continued to wig and weave. It stopped shedding at 5-6 months, now at 14 months out, it has almost grown back, I used biotin and conditioners.
on 12/29/08 11:26 pm