If Y'all Get A Moment...........
Please remember my family in your prayers today. We will be saying goodbye to my oldest brother this evening at 6:00 and we will need all the prayers for strength we can get. Losing a sibling is hard, unfortunately my brother is 3rd of us to pass on, but it is especially difficult because it was totally unexpected and we had no forewarning.
I am most concerned for my mom because he was her firstborn child and I can't began to imagine what it must be like for her. She's been with him since she was 17 years old, and as much as I am going to miss him, I know it's only a fraction of what she is feeling.
Thanks for all the calls, texts and B/L messages you guys have sent. I can't put into words how loved I feel by you all. I wanted to respond to them individually, but I just don't have it in me right now. With that said, know that I love you all and thank you again for just being the wonderful people you are............
I am most concerned for my mom because he was her firstborn child and I can't began to imagine what it must be like for her. She's been with him since she was 17 years old, and as much as I am going to miss him, I know it's only a fraction of what she is feeling.
Thanks for all the calls, texts and B/L messages you guys have sent. I can't put into words how loved I feel by you all. I wanted to respond to them individually, but I just don't have it in me right now. With that said, know that I love you all and thank you again for just being the wonderful people you are............
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most.
Hey Sis.... sending prayers of strength, love, comfort, peace, and blessings for your entire family... knowing that God will do exceedingly, abundantly above ALL we could ever ask or think. I pray that He will do just that for not just the funeral, but the future of your family as you all move forward. God bless Mere.....