New Years: Closing Doors (kinda long)
Whoa! You are all in my head! Very prophetic - just yesterday I deleted a person's information from my cell phone...and it was such a cleansing for me.
I am going into 2009 in deep prayer and meditation, as God has revealed some things to me that I truly believe will either manifest themselves next year; or, He is preparing me (spiritually) for the manifestation of these events to take place in the near future. Whatever it is, starting Wednesday night, I am going into a different realm to line myself up with what God's Will will be for me in the next year.
I am leaning on God's Word; I am trusting ONLY in Him to lead me. He's preparing me...and plucking people out of my life and His way. Because of this, it has not been hard for me to let people go - I just have let them go and kept it moving. My husband and I have ironed out our differences and are now 'friends' - soon to be divorced - and we are BOTH feeling free because of it, and are celebrating the fact that we can be cordial to one another and happy about our decisions...and be divorced at the same time. This is a huge blessing for me.
I am going into 2009 in deep prayer and meditation, as God has revealed some things to me that I truly believe will either manifest themselves next year; or, He is preparing me (spiritually) for the manifestation of these events to take place in the near future. Whatever it is, starting Wednesday night, I am going into a different realm to line myself up with what God's Will will be for me in the next year.
I am leaning on God's Word; I am trusting ONLY in Him to lead me. He's preparing me...and plucking people out of my life and His way. Because of this, it has not been hard for me to let people go - I just have let them go and kept it moving. My husband and I have ironed out our differences and are now 'friends' - soon to be divorced - and we are BOTH feeling free because of it, and are celebrating the fact that we can be cordial to one another and happy about our decisions...and be divorced at the same time. This is a huge blessing for me.
I choose to love myself, live life to the fullest, and encourage others to liberate themselves!

Thank you for responding. I didn't make it spiritual (because I didn't want to sound too deep), but that's exactly how I felt going through my phone numbers. I was thinking that God has something different for me in 2009, change. Not via Obama, but a moving away from some things that I have struggled with like grief and disapointment, etc. My recent weight loss surgery was another part of the change for the better. Pray for me because I know that a change is gonna come and I want it to be a blessing, not a struggle.
On December 29, 2008 at 7:36 PM Pacific Time, slimin08 wrote:
I got a new phone recently and while going through the arduous task of copying in contacts from my old phone, I started to think about people that I no longer needed to include for various reasons. One of the most significant one being that they no longer added anything positive to my existence. I started to think of the saying about people being in your life for a reason or a season ( okay, don't know it exactly, but you get the point). One of those people is an ex-boyfriend who until today, I believed to be a man with a great heart and despite the fact that things didn't work out between us, there might still be something for us (friendship or more) in the future. Today i witnessed some things first hand that confirmed that our relationship was a door that I needed to shut in 2009 so that I could progress and perhaps meet the man that God has for me. I haven't deleted his number just yet, but I'm going to do so before the start of the new year.
Why is it so hard to let people go?
Do you have anyone that you'll be letting go of this year? (not because of a death)
Not exactly the same...but...your words remind me of something in my life...
A couple of years ago...I was working on a project at work with a man I'd never met before. We were about the same age, and other than him being white and me being black, we had sooooo many things in common it was actually kind of "weird"
Anyway we worked very closely for many hours a day for about 6 months and became quite good friends as we would discuss birds (of course), family, kids, life, politics, sports, church and mostly the Bible. (Although we weren't Brothers according to the flesh...we were definitely Brothers according to the Spirit.) day last year...if some Angel would have looked down into the mechanical space we were working so closely together in and became such good friends in and said, "One of you guys is going to be dead by tomorrow from a massive heart attack". I would have looked at my friend and said, "I'm about to leave, I'll see you when you get to the other side." (After all...I was the one with high blood pressure, unexplained irregular heartbeat, and unexplained heart failure. I was the one taking enough heart medicine to kill a horse.)
Well my friend died late that night...and I've never been able to delete his number from my work two way pager. Matter-of-fact...I would every now and again send some coded message to that number that I knew only he would understand. After sending these coded messages I would receive a message that would say "delivered". Delivered to who I would wonder.
Well...this morning after reading your post, I sent another coded message. The response this time was "send message failed".
Sometimes it's time to move on and let people go...............................................
A couple of years ago...I was working on a project at work with a man I'd never met before. We were about the same age, and other than him being white and me being black, we had sooooo many things in common it was actually kind of "weird"
Anyway we worked very closely for many hours a day for about 6 months and became quite good friends as we would discuss birds (of course), family, kids, life, politics, sports, church and mostly the Bible. (Although we weren't Brothers according to the flesh...we were definitely Brothers according to the Spirit.) day last year...if some Angel would have looked down into the mechanical space we were working so closely together in and became such good friends in and said, "One of you guys is going to be dead by tomorrow from a massive heart attack". I would have looked at my friend and said, "I'm about to leave, I'll see you when you get to the other side." (After all...I was the one with high blood pressure, unexplained irregular heartbeat, and unexplained heart failure. I was the one taking enough heart medicine to kill a horse.)
Well my friend died late that night...and I've never been able to delete his number from my work two way pager. Matter-of-fact...I would every now and again send some coded message to that number that I knew only he would understand. After sending these coded messages I would receive a message that would say "delivered". Delivered to who I would wonder.
Well...this morning after reading your post, I sent another coded message. The response this time was "send message failed".
Sometimes it's time to move on and let people go...............................................
Mine *****
on 12/29/08 8:14 pm
on 12/29/08 8:14 pm
Oh my goodness!!!! Doug this almost had me in tears. Delivered.....delivered....unexpected angel right in your mist. From your own words you thought that it would be you. How many times do we not listen, see or respond to the signs that we are given? We ask for GOD to intervene in our lives but not fully take/accept what he gives us. For as much as you enjoyed your time with him it sure ounds like he enjoyed his time with you. I think you got the point and you standing here today in much better health shows that you got the message that had been delived to you...."send message failed"...assignment over

The question that I am asked most often:
Is that your hair??????
A Phenomenal Woman who doesn't have to Ego Trip to Still Rise: Pretty women often wonder where my secret lies...I am a woman, phenomenally....that's me!!!!! 

Doug, you are my angel of the morning. I really struggled with this last night. I spent most of the night going back and forth. I put so much into the relationship that I didn't want to just walk away, or maybe it's just that he represented a chance at what I wanted.
But it was over a long time ago.
I started deleting his messages this morning. At some point I'll finish and go on to erase his number.
Thanks again for your wisdom and I hope that you'll be okay too.
But it was over a long time ago.
I started deleting his messages this morning. At some point I'll finish and go on to erase his number.
Thanks again for your wisdom and I hope that you'll be okay too.