New Years: Closing Doors (kinda long)
I got a new phone recently and while going through the arduous task of copying in contacts from my old phone, I started to think about people that I no longer needed to include for various reasons. One of the most significant one being that they no longer added anything positive to my existence. I started to think of the saying about people being in your life for a reason or a season ( okay, don't know it exactly, but you get the point).
One of those people is an ex-boyfriend who until today, I believed to be a man with a great heart and despite the fact that things didn't work out between us, there might still be something for us (friendship or more) in the future. Today i witnessed some things first hand that confirmed that our relationship was a door that I needed to shut in 2009 so that I could progress and perhaps meet the man that God has for me. I haven't deleted his number just yet, but I'm going to do so before the start of the new year.
Why is it so hard to let people go?
Do you have anyone that you'll be letting go of this year? (not because of a death)
One of those people is an ex-boyfriend who until today, I believed to be a man with a great heart and despite the fact that things didn't work out between us, there might still be something for us (friendship or more) in the future. Today i witnessed some things first hand that confirmed that our relationship was a door that I needed to shut in 2009 so that I could progress and perhaps meet the man that God has for me. I haven't deleted his number just yet, but I'm going to do so before the start of the new year.
Why is it so hard to let people go?
Do you have anyone that you'll be letting go of this year? (not because of a death)
on 12/29/08 11:44 am
on 12/29/08 11:44 am
Well it's funny you referenced the cell phone. I lost a co-worker in May. I can't bring myself to delete her number out of my cell phone. Everytime I go through my contacts and I see her name...I tell myself to delete it....but I just can't do it. Her death was so sudden. She was such a good woman...a great friend. I am tearing as I type this. I really do miss her. Let me get off this post.
I know you said not because of death...but I needed to type this. Thank you.
I know you said not because of death...but I needed to type this. Thank you.

I know that several people have experienced loss and I didn't want to add to the pain, but you make a legitimate point. My cousin's number was in my old phone. She was young (40) and passed away suddenly this year. I always paused when I came across her number. I guess it's a part of the grieving process. The number is a connection to the person making it more difficult to erase because its as if you're cutting a connection to him/her. I hope that you find comfort.
I WISH I could delete several mofos BUT - I need to keep them in so I can avoid their calls.... 

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
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