A thought..... relationship related..... how did you pick your wedding date?

on 12/29/08 1:48 am - IL
Weddings are beautiful....why would you want to throw up? The bride and groom are sharing a part of their new life together and I feel honored to be included.

Yes, I can mos def see Mack doing the traditional thang....I think she would make a beautiful bride.


**Weight loss since June 08**


on 12/29/08 2:07 am - Buffalo, NY
I like weddings but I think people get so wrapped up in the ceremony that they don't realize that there is also a marriage that comes after that I do.  I think there is nothing more beautiful than two people who truly love each other and want to make that committment to each other. I personally don't see the point of having 300 guests, half of which you never see or talk to but you just have to invite because of some sort of obligation.  And don't get me started on the price tags for these elaborate parties. I watching whose wedding is it on the style channel and there was a wedding planner who was complaining that  she just didn't know how she was going to pull off a successful wedding on such a miniture budget. And what was that budget you may ask? 20,000 dollars. Are you freaking kidding me??? There is no way in hell I am spending that kind of money on a wedding. That is insane. And then half the time these people end up breaking up. So as for me I would rather concentrate on getting the right man and work on making sure our relationship is strong and I don't need to go into debt to do it either.

Now this is just my opinion for me and how I would handle it. If someone else always dreamed about having a big wedding and they have the money to do it. Then by all means have at it.

But I like your idea for your next wedding. I think that is perfect. That's exactly what I want and yes MM will be a beautiful bride. I just don't see her getting into the whole princess thing based on the personality she has shown on the board. And it looks like she agrees with me on that one. But you do have to live out a fairytale to have a nice wedding though IMO.
on 12/29/08 2:15 am - IL
On  vacation I got to see a lot of weddings. My hotel room overlooked the area where the nuptials were taking place....it was just beautiful. I think seeing this planted the seed in my head for an island wedding.

Hee-Hee....I got it planned out already...just waiting on dude to get on bended knee.


**Weight loss since June 08**


on 12/29/08 2:18 am - Buffalo, NY
Me and you both
on 12/29/08 2:24 am
LOL!!!  you know me so KINDA well.......

I do like looking at big weddings..... and I LOVE wedding dresses..... LOOKING at them that is!  I can't see me doing that - and it's not really me and my BF style anyway.  I'll be in something sleek and simple - that shiot will probably be at a courthouse and we will be at a resort after that chillin with wine and cracked crab........

As far as mushy..... ummm.  NOT me really - hell - BF wants to do the whole 'writing of the vows' thing - I'm tryna find a soap opera episode that has some good quotes... those soap opera vows be the BEST!!!!  LOL 

My vow is more like Chris Rock 'don't shoot the messenger'...........


I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

on 12/29/08 2:16 am
Well - thanks for the compliment - i WILL be a beautiful bride - whenever it does happen.

BUT - I am not getting into the big wedding thing - just not me at this stage in my life.  I USED to want to have a big wedding, but given my current  life and times - it's just not practical.  I would rather use that money on house upgrades or car upgrades or my daughter's education fund or something....

hell - I would rather spend it on Jimmy Choo's!!!!!!

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

on 12/29/08 2:36 am - DFW, TX
On December 29, 2008 at 9:20 AM Pacific Time, wonkad wrote:

I love big weddings!  The bride in white, the flowers, the cake and the honeymoon! Come on Mack, you mean to tell me you really want to miss out on that?

Give me jeans, t-shirt (maybe a dress) in Vegas, quick & painless and take all that wasted money to put towards something besides feeding a bunch of people and a dress you will never wear again.

I've NEVER been the white dress dream kind of girl.  I will take the bachelorette party with lots of liquor and some very sexy strippers.
on 12/29/08 1:13 am - Brooklyn, NY

Nah, we don't get on bended knee anymore...too much like being beheaded (smile).    As for my opinions on the subject, I think I'll pass (since a certain person I know will be watching my answer-LOL). 

"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer."   Plutach.  Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.


on 12/29/08 1:15 am - Buffalo, NY
 Yeah you better plead the fifth.

 but ahem hit me on the BL and tell me how you would do it hypothetically speaking of course.
Dimple Donna
on 12/29/08 1:09 am - Chicago, IL
Um...excuse me Trina...

when did you post that you were getting married nukka??? Was I asleep...unconscious...drunk??

What in da heyll is really going on hur?

I'm jes sayin, I went back...and ain't found nuffin' bout no "guess what BAF...I'z gettin' murried!" 

Oh, my wedding day was my grandmother's birthday (5/16)...note to self...don't do ANYTHING else of that kind of importance on my grandma's b/d...messin' up her day like that n schitt....

I choose to love myself, live life to the fullest, and encourage others to liberate themselves!
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