WLS diet plan

Lately, I've been so concerned with trying not to eat too much because of the holidays that I have been just sampling a lot of the available foods. This leaves me feeling a little hungry (not starving) but I don't want to eat past "the pain" and end up having revision surgery. Is there a strict diet out there that I can follow?

To me - diets- are what got US where WE needed WLS in the first place. Life is about LIVING. WLS allows you to stop focusing on DIETING and let you LIVE. Part of that - in my opinion- is just making choices. Some days you make great ones, some days - not so great.
The only 'holy grail' of post WLS I have ever run into is PROTEIN FIRST. Any meal you eat, you should have protein and you should get that in before veggies and before carbs. Also - water and vitamins are key for daily consumption too. But no magic plan or outline on when, where, what and such on how to eat.
Sounds like your sampling thing worked nicely. You didn't gorge or overeat - you allowed yourself to satisfy your desire for things without overdoing it. THAT'S the post WLS plan!!!
Keep up the good work - it's just about moderation, balance, and perseverance man!
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
Thanks for your help and may I say your eightball pic looks exceptionally radiant this afternoon.
You nailed what I was asking, sorry that it didn't make much sense. I was dropped on my head as a baby one too many times and I'm still looking for the nicca who did it.
I've been reading alot about the resections and revision surgeries lately and I don't want to do any of that or have to end up doing any of that. Now that I'm on vacation for two weeks it's hard to stick to the schedule I have when I'm at work. Just worrying too much I guess. Thanks again, Sista!
HOWEVER - I am ALSO planning extra workout time in the gym AND am waiting on Netflix to send me my dance workout DVD (from that dude that played Lem on Showtime's Soul Food) - so I will be moving and grooving to work off what I indulge in.
And um... are you still seeing the 8 ball for real?
ETA: And stop reading that revision ****!!! LOL - you are too early in the game to even THINK about defeat!!! Just stick to the rules - and read POSITIVE stuff instead!!!!!
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

Yeah the eightball is still there. I'm looking at it now.

And YEA you need to get moving!!! Exercise is KEY for any post op!! Get ta movin MISTER!!!!!
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
HOWEVER - I am ALSO planning extra workout time in the gym AND am waiting on Netflix to send me my dance workout DVD (from that dude that played Lem on Showtime's Soul Food) - so I will be moving and grooving to work off what I indulge in.
And um... are you still seeing the 8 ball for real?
ETA: And stop reading that revision ****!!! LOL - you are too early in the game to even THINK about defeat!!! Just stick to the rules - and read POSITIVE stuff instead!!!!!
Not trying to bust your chops; just trying to see the whole picture.
so - YES - I will have my virgin drink, salsa and chips. THAT day I will also do my workout video OR spend extra time in the gym.
AND I may happen upon a choc chip cookie that calls my name - if so, I will answer! BUT - that means that something else during the day will have to give. The brochure with the cleansing plan echoes this sentiment. It's not about denying yourself everything - but cutting back drastically but without forcing you to deny yourself everything - that's where binging comes from, in my opinion.
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
so - YES - I will have my virgin drink, salsa and chips. THAT day I will also do my workout video OR spend extra time in the gym.
AND I may happen upon a choc chip cookie that calls my name - if so, I will answer! BUT - that means that something else during the day will have to give. The brochure with the cleansing plan echoes this sentiment. It's not about denying yourself everything - but cutting back drastically but without forcing you to deny yourself everything - that's where binging comes from, in my opinion.
And I can't help it...I am old today