Thank you to everyone forthe welcome you gave me. It really helps to read postings from other people going through the same thing you are. I got to say that so much has changed in my life since I started going down in my weight. Even though I always had plenty of family, old and even new friends mostly from my church and they are people who I know love me. I also noticed that while I was 410 lbs when I was out in public I seemed invisable if you can relate to what I mean. I know people can see me but they look at the outter you not the true person you are. I would hear comments like he looks like he is pregnant or look at the gutt on that guy HAHAHA. Well that stuff hurt but I would keep smileing and keep trucking because even with that pain I knew that God loves me, my wife of 32 years loves me and my children love me for being a good interactive dad to them. I can look back now and say wow look how far i have come. I even get flirted with funny as that is to me because I'm not moved by that in the wrong way. I am a man of God and I love my wife because she has loved me. Flirting is not going to change or mess up that good thing. Plus fellas don't ever forget if nothing else it is cheaper to keep her. So don't mess up a good thing and go broke over it as well just because you now think you are good looking or what ever. LOL, Anyway I look forward to doing the chat thing with you all of you. Blessings to all of you and have a wonderful 2009... Jack 