Feeling Melancholy

on 12/27/08 6:46 am - Somewhere, TX
I am having some real emotional issues today.  I just woke up for the day having spent all night walking the floors.  Tomorrow is my birthday and I am really depressed over some missing pieces in my life. *sigh* It seems I did all this rearranging of my life and I am no happier or closer to any of the goals I had in mind.  I guess I am just depressed today and wanted to vent a lil.

(deactivated member)
on 12/27/08 7:07 am
((((Shay))).  I know exactly how you feeel. WHen I feel this way I head to a movie by myself and have a good cry in the dark.  I just saw 7 pounds today and its a damn good tear jerker...but if you are feeling lonely or sad about being in love or not having a loving relationship, you might wanna pass this one by
on 12/27/08 7:19 am - Brooklyn, NY
Its normal to question the progress and goals in your life...especially when you hit those ages ending in zeroes.   Michelle had a great suggestion.  Sometimes it IS best just to have yourself a good cry, if its not going the way you want.  Then, if possible, make plans to do what you're going to do.

As for Seven Pounds, I saw it last week with my G/F.  LOVED IT.

"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer."   Plutach.  Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.


HelpMeRhonda !!
on 12/27/08 7:31 am - J. R. Ewing, TX
Wow Dalexis great advice!!!!

Shay I am ONLY up the freeway from you.... Let me know if I need to scoop you up so we can sit down and chat.....

I have "7 pounds" in my collection and plan on watching it tonight...

on 12/27/08 7:37 am - Somewhere, TX
Thanks guys, I think that is part of my problem; I am not a crier until things become unbearable.  For the record, no age ending in zero yet...got a few years for that but not many and I haven't seen a movie in over 4 years...I was tricked into my last one, lol. 

I am just having an early mid-life crisis and am hungry!  2008 was not a happy year and unfortunately my bd comes with a not too soon end to a bad thing.
(deactivated member)
on 12/27/08 7:56 am
Shay I'm not much of a crier in real life either. Sometimes I need a dark theatre and a good movie to tug at heart strings.  Normally when we spend too much time pushing our feelings down they find a way of letting themselves be known regardless.
(deactivated member)
on 12/27/08 7:53 am
Well looky there D, I think this is the first time we've ever agreed on a post. Not only do we agree that a good cry will do the body good, but also on a movie.  I might have to change my opinion.
Brenda R.
on 12/27/08 8:33 am - Humble, TX


You are not alone.  I been there too.  By the way my b-day is Wednesday.  Capricorns are great people.  You know at X-mas I was thinking I experienced a lot of loss in 2008, but its only if I focus on the bad.  I have a lot to be grateful for and i am sure if you think about it you do too.

Take a second to think about if the goals you initially set are they realistic and are they within your control.  None of us have the ability to make true love happen, or add the missing pieces to our lives.  But we can make sure that we work on us, and that we are in a place to receive the desires of our heart.  Think not about what you haven't done, but what you need to do to get in the place to receive.

Remember, happiness is a choice.  Choose to celebrate victories you have acheived and rejoice in still being here.

Working on me - want to be better in everyway not just physically!!!  Its a process no time to judge or be judged!!!! 
Ms Robyn
on 12/27/08 9:34 am - North, TX
Things will get better Shay.

Wishing you a happy birthday

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on 12/28/08 5:10 am - Somewhere in, DC
Just want to give you a HUG......as for the goals in life maybe try to achieve one at a time. Work on some of the smaller ones first. Completion will give you a sense of accomplishment. Good luck!
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