I just wanted to introduce myself and become re-aquainted with BAF family old and new
Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I have been a registered member of obesity help website for quite some time. On February 15th I will be 3 years post op and am still loving my new life. When I was preparing for surgery and even after it for some time, this website was a daily part of my routine. Unfortunately not long after that, some of the members of BAF started having squabbles that made the site something different for me than the support network it was supposed to be...I felt like a referee. I ultimately stopped logging on but would come on once or twice a year to post updates.
I am hoping to return to what this site was to me initially, a place for support, shared ideas, a place to share my fears, and to give and receive advice from others etc. I have maintained my weight pretty good over this time, however due to some things happening in my life and stress, I have gained 20lbs. Now it is time to get back to the basics.
I am not worried about getting the weight back off, luckily it seems that now when I gain a pound or two, I am able to get if off by just going back to basics. I am looking forward to getting to know you all.
I will never consider myself a failure...unless I stop trying.
If you fall 7 times; make sure you get up 8 !

I will never consider myself a failure...unless I stop trying.
If you fall 7 times; make sure you get up 8 !
Then we can help each other. I have long ago reach my initial goal, and more but I have gained some back. I am now six pounds over my original goal and want to lose 30-60lbs to get back to where I was and loose some additional for future "playing" room.
I have to put in some work. I had slacked off of exercising (which for me is dancing..I hate gyms) because I have not been going on which is a big part of my weight gain. I have ordered some exercise DVDs for when I am hibernating and am waiting for them to come in the mail...if all else fails I can go back ole' skool to Tae Bo....that should work since I never made it beyond the introduction without sounding asthmatic....LOL (and I do not have asthma)
I will never consider myself a failure...unless I stop trying.
If you fall 7 times; make sure you get up 8 !
for starters...
DO NOT become a slave to the scale....in the first few months I know I weighed myself at least 3 times a day. If I gained an ounce (exaggerated...but you get the picture) I went into a panic. That is also no way to live because you can create other obsessive behaviors.
Cut yourself some slack..relax...do not go overboard in your exercise, etc. Your body needs time to adjust to the weight that you have lost. I know we feel that we can conquer the world and indeed in time you can and will; but to not land yourself in the hospital trying to be "Super Gastric Patient"...I know several people who have done this
Remember that even though we have this tool, it is just that...a tool, you do have to change your lifestyle and eating habits.
Set small goals and reward yourself when you reach them, nothing edible but something that is simply for you...THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SHARE...you deserve it for your hard work, and if you are like me you have spent so much time doing things for others that you either forgot or neglected yourself...sometimes in some things it is OKAY to be a bit selfish...I learned that the hard way.
If you fall off the band wagon, do not beat yourself up' just brush yourself off and get back on, tomorrow is a new day...just do not spend more time off the wagon than on because then you defeat the purpose of the surgery.
Take at least 30 minutes a day to so something for you or to just replenish your spirit/soul
I embrace this philosophy which many of my friends and family have debated me on but it works for me:
I AM NUMBER 1!!!! Not my daughter, my mother, my nieces, my job, or anything or anyone else in my life other than GOD.....reason being, if I am not good and right within me, I can not do what is good and right to/for anyone else. I did not always live like this, I used to say my child first, then my mom, and so on and so forth but I found that I was not delivering my best to anyone because I was not at my best.
I guess that is enough for now...LOL (and probably much more than you were seeking) but I am in a philosophical mood today. TTYL
I will never consider myself a failure...unless I stop trying.
If you fall 7 times; make sure you get up 8 !
I will never consider myself a failure...unless I stop trying.
If you fall 7 times; make sure you get up 8 !
Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome. ~Booker T. Washington~