I really don't associate it to the baby Jesus thing. I mean after all it is a holiday taken from the Wiccan folks and twisted around like so many other "worldly" things and made "Christ like".. at least it is more pleasant than One thing I neva understood was why do Christian folks have decorated trees and all these other pagen type things in their homes that have NOTHING to do with baby jesus.
*disclaimer* I am a slight bit tipsy right now so I am not feeling any type of confrontation right now
Hi Ro Ro...
Hey, I'm not one to agree with the premise that Christmas was somehow "stolen" from Wiccans.
However I do think many Christians often place too much emphasis on trees, decorations, snowmen, drummer boys, reindeer, santa, elves, etc, etc...
I do associate the story with Jesus though. (I consider the story, on some level, every day...and not just Dec the 25th.) The sad thing in my mind though is this. If someone knew nothing about Jesus and was somehow transported into our culture today...and see how we celebrated the birth of one called "Jesus".....when they left I don't think they'd know much about Him still.

Hey, I'm not one to agree with the premise that Christmas was somehow "stolen" from Wiccans.
However I do think many Christians often place too much emphasis on trees, decorations, snowmen, drummer boys, reindeer, santa, elves, etc, etc...
I do associate the story with Jesus though. (I consider the story, on some level, every day...and not just Dec the 25th.) The sad thing in my mind though is this. If someone knew nothing about Jesus and was somehow transported into our culture today...and see how we celebrated the birth of one called "Jesus".....when they left I don't think they'd know much about Him still.

"What are your thoughts on the Christmas Story???"
Its a mixed bag of tricks(for lack of comparison) Christmas was orginally called Christ Mass and was designated by the Catholic Church as a day to celebrate Christ. How can people disagree with Caholicism and celebrate Christmas which is a day that was crafted by the Catholic Church. The Catholic church picked December 25th as the day Christ was born.
Now, the mixed bag is the fact that the symbols of Christmas...santa claus, wreaths, trees and the like are considered pagan symbols.
I must admit that I have been accused of being a person that over thinks because my next thought is:
So, if I am a person who disagrees with the ideology of the Catholic Church, and I celebrate Christmas which is a Catholic ordained holiday and I put up a tree and take the kids to see santa claus which is pagan.
What am I really doing?

What is the "real" Christmas story? The real story is that Jesus was born the wrong story is that he was born on December 25th
It is not the load that breaks you down; it's the way you carry it. -Lena Horne