Why...why...oh why do people do this!!!!!
I tried the leave town thing. The year my Mom passed, me, my sister and son went to Vegas for Christmas. We had a ball! But babyyyyyyy, went we got back, my relatives did not talk to us for about a month!
I wish I could go away every year at Christmas....SMH
My relatives are also into the materialistic ways.....I didn't even go into THAT aspect of it cause I would have been typing forever. LOL
You hang in there too!
The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. - Oprah Winfrey
"i'm on a fixed income that ain't fixed to good"
I swear he's a fool w/ it!!!
I'll give you some advice that only he could give.........
How the hell they gonna tell me how to spend my money, what they can do is give me some money and i'll spend it! Dahell they got on they mind.
-Fred D. Baker Sr.
on 12/23/08 11:47 pm
I can relate, sis.
When I lost my dad...I hated to hear people say "I know what you are going through". This particularly bothered me when people who still had their dad said it. I know they were just trying to comfort me...but I really wanted to scream and ask them "how the **** could you know"???
When I miscarried my first baby at 5 months...I was DEVASTATED! The only way for me to cope was to carry her picture around with me for MONTHS! If I left it at home...I felt like I was abandoning her. I WOULD NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE WITHOUT HER PIC. People thought I was going crazy....but it was my way of coping.
Our mind adapts to the situation at hand...and does whatever it takes to help us along.
I got your back beautiful!

Is this so hard to understand? Not at all
Please tell me you all would honor your family members or friends wishes on this. Yes I would
Or am I just being a biotch about this?

I just needed to vent...thanks for listening
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