What are yall doin tonight?
drinkin my drank and smokin my newport......sssshhhhhhhhh
Kids are decorating the tree....driving me crazy
Temptations Christmas songs blasting - grooving with Silent Night
I slipped away for a minute.
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM this sho' is cold and good

Oh dayumn....puff pufff pufff they noticed I was gone.
Merry Christmas to all....and to my kids GOOD NIGHT!!!!!!!! (((I wish)))
drinkin my drank and smokin my newport......sssshhhhhhhhh
Kids are decorating the tree....driving me crazy
Temptations Christmas songs blasting - grooving with Silent Night
I slipped away for a minute.
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM this sho' is cold and good

Oh dayumn....puff pufff pufff they noticed I was gone.
Merry Christmas to all....and to my kids GOOD NIGHT!!!!!!!! (((I wish)))
Peace & Blessings, Sharon
6 years and counting
6 years and counting
LMAOOOOO - see - that smoking and hiding shiot is how house fires get started!!! LMAOOOO
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
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