Hair Loss: How to stem the tide?
I need sometips on hair loss. My hair is thinning out and have huge clumps of hair in my big tooth combs and detangling brushes. I have begun taken Biotin, but what other pointers can you give me while I go through some hair loss? Is this permanent? will my hair come back? I want my afro back! My texture has changed and now i look like i got a perm, (and i done swore off perms). I'm thinking about chopping it off, But i really don want to, because the hair i got is showing some length, after about a year and a half of growing it out. But what did some of you do about it?

Ummzeez, I am sorry to hear this is happing to you, from your post it sounds like your hair is natural (non chemically treated). I have been looking around for someone else with afroamerican natural hair to see how their hair loss experience was going.
I am so worried about this hair lost crap. I am almost 2months out and I'm trying to get as much protein as I can and I handle the water let me tell you., but I am still so worried. I have never permed my hair and Its taking me 26yrs to get my hair this long (see avatar pic). and it thin to begin with already. I'm trying to get myself mentally prepared but I know I'm going to cry alot. I just keep praying it won't be so bad and that all the protein I'm taking now will lessen the affect.
The only advise I can give is to go No-Poo ( stop using shampoo & restrict conditions with the same harsh chems found in shampoos) I have been No-Poo for 3years now, I also deep overnight conditioner my hair once a month but I have upped it to every 2wks since I had surgery. I use Honey, EVOO, other oils, & and sauve straberry protein silk conditioner.
I am wishfully thinking that since I braid my hair for 2wks to a 1mon (I deep condition & moisurize while its braided in a pineapple) and there will be less manipulation, that this will reduce my hair loss. Dont tell me I'm wrong. I need something to hold on tooo....
Stay up, keep it natural, and we'll ride this out together