Ladies/Men What's a deal breaker for you - with a first encounter
INSECURITIES ~dayum why he looking at you like that~
FAKE ~Hey, Babe; how are you? I enjoyed our date out. I have never conversated with anyone like you . ~ Trying to you proper English and using CONVERSATED
~ Just do YOU! Don't change for me....I AIN'T changing for you. ~roll eyes~
BAD TEETH is not a deal won't even get a conversation with a ragged mouf! It would be more like Hellewwwwwwwwww...sorry, Dedee read lips....and I can't be looking at no jacked up teefers!
MAIDAMAN ~meaning he wants a maid and a momma; not a partner....Baby...see YA~
PLUM DUMB ~can't write, can't read ~but can talk proper~ Sorry, Shawty!
FAKE ~Hey, Babe; how are you? I enjoyed our date out. I have never conversated with anyone like you . ~ Trying to you proper English and using CONVERSATED
BAD TEETH is not a deal won't even get a conversation with a ragged mouf! It would be more like Hellewwwwwwwwww...sorry, Dedee read lips....and I can't be looking at no jacked up teefers!
MAIDAMAN ~meaning he wants a maid and a momma; not a partner....Baby...see YA~
PLUM DUMB ~can't write, can't read ~but can talk proper~ Sorry, Shawty!
I focus not on my disabilty; my focus is on my ABILITIES.
(Dedee, 2009)
My hearing impairment ENABLES me, not disables me.
(Dedee, 2008)