I am sick of these no good negros!!!!
Alright this happened this past weekend and it had me on FIRE . Like I mentioned in a previous post we got so much snow here its insane. Our main streets and secondary streets are plowed pretty good but our side streets you can forget. It will be spring before we see pavement again. So anywho this past Saturday I decide to run to the drugstore real quick. I am not really dressed for the weather since I was only going around the corner and figured I would just be hopping in and out of my car. So I back out my driveway proceed down the street where I see this car is stuck. I contemplate for a minute do I sit there and wait for them to get unstuck, do I back up and try and turn around and go the other way, or do I get out and offer assistance. I choose to get out and offer assistance. So I get out and walk to over to the stuck vehicle. Inside is a man in his mid twenties. I am 5"0 he is like 6"4 and got some weight on him. So I said do you need any help. He was like um yeah can you try and drive while I push myself out. Ok no problem. I hop in try and drive. Wheels spinning nothing. I look and his rearview and he is just kinda of standing around looking lost. I am thinking push, what are you waiting for. Finally I hop out and say do you have a shovel maybe you can shovel and make a way out. He mumbles a yeah gets his shovel moves a little bit of snow out the way. And I do mean little. I am thinking WTF???? you are not going to be able to get out with that pitful shoveling. So he hops in his car puts it in drive. Wheels just a spinning. So I start to push his car. Thinking I could help it along a little. I am pushing and pushing and pushing. Finally he gets out of the rut and he is free. Do ya'll know that the NO GOOD NEGRO (yeah I said it) drove off and didn't even say Thank you.
I was hot!!!!

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
Phone a MOFOIN FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
Thanks for your help! I'm sorry for being so triflin'. I just can't help it. I think everyone should do everything for me and I should do nothing. You will be rewarded for your generosity. Not by me because I am too busy to really appreciate what you have done for me. But your reward will come soon. Thanks again!
Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. What's your plan?
hmmm, lemme see...Got my weed....papers? Check...
Need to go get a money order to send my babymomma for her support **** that, I need some new Tim's and an Bootleg Obama Hoodie.
Let me hit the Likka Stow real quick before I have to give my lil sister her car back...
Dayum, it's snowed like a mafucka, hopefully I can get out in this shyt.
Dayum I'm stuck. I can't get out. Hopefully I'll get some help.
Here comes someone now....
Dayum, she's cute...I should try to holl.......NAW, she might be about something and have a great head on her shoulder......I don't want no part of that!
"Yes, I could use some help..thanks. Can you get in while I push?" Cool
"Yeah ihavemkknjenn shovel right here"
"Here lemme drive real quick"
Oh snap! She's really pushing it... I........JUST......MAY......GET.............OHHHH SHYT, I'm FREE!!!
Fuck that, I'm not stoppin!!! I got 40's and White Chicks to got to......HOLLA!!
...and there you have it folks...Sad I know.
Don't forget to point him out to me.