My pouch is a two faced BIOTCH!

Her Royal Flyness
on 12/21/08 4:04 am
This little Satan posessed hussy has been gladly accepting all kinds of foods (and treats) that I was sure would make me sick, but haven't, so naturally I didn't think the raisinettes would be a problem. 


I'm in the car on the way to do some more errands when all the sudden I feel nauseated as hell.  I franticaly begin looking for some type of receptacle cause Roxy's gonna blow.  Since I had just left the car wash and cleaned out my car all I had was the paper bag from the package store and realized that it would have to do.  I'm swervin on 85 reaching for this damn bag and tossed it of its contents just in time to catch it


As you all know it come in spurts, so about a mile down the expressway, after several heaves and the subsequent disentegration of the paper bag, I have a lap full of partially digested raisinettes and spittle.

Why did I fell ashamed?  I felt like a kid who was too damn old to be wetting themself who had an "accident" at the biggest slumber party of the year.

*HOWEVER*  Being the vain and shallow tramp that I am, I couldn't help but to gaze down every minute or so and admire the mess on my lap.   MY LAP.

I don't think you heard me....MY LAP.  Knee cap to cooch, I can see it all

So I made it home just in time for round two

Since this sometimey ***** is working properly this week, I'm off to go exercise.  Toodles.

It is never too late to be what you might have been

~George Eliot
on 12/21/08 4:50 am - Philadelphia, PA
If it makes you feel any better Your card was the cutest ever!

mrs. neenaj
on 12/21/08 6:49 am
Girl these lil' heffa pouches are just a mess. I haven't done yet but I sure did this last week after eating some BAKED fish !!!! What kind of mess is that? I could eat 2 tootsie rolls no problem but baked fish and I'm running to the bathroom. ~smh~  I'll never understand my pouch but I'm sure happy I have her.

By the way, congrats on seeing your lap, I completely understand.

Kathleen T.
on 12/21/08 10:25 am

Mine may have two face but I what try anything that will set it off.

The only time in my life I had to buff was when I was pregnant with the girls(2) for the whole nine months,until after I delivered, then they could get the buff bags.Never like being Pregnant was always upset seeing all the glowing PG women, I looked like a truck ran over me. Never had to go to the Dr. for PG test always knew early that I was PG.  Would start that durn buffing early.
Two suggestion
1) always keep 3 bags triple in car for just in case
2) hand cleaner in purse so if you can't make it home and have
to go to the public bathroom. I have it for the GBies

Hope you are feeling better.

"A Man's heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps. 
Proverb 16:9
May not be where I want to be but I glad to be where I'm at.
Working at getting the rest of the way.

12/10/2012 I'll be having LBL, BL/BA, thigh & arm lift, eyelid
Body by Dr. Sauceda    booked to 12/9--12/22
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