oh damn! You all might find this interesting
I agree and responded as well. It should not offend anyone unless they are racist, or if we were racist. I feel that lots of non-Blacks frequent this board and have been made to feel VERY WELCOMED. Many have become friends and just like family. The uniqueness about BAF is that we welcome all and don't discriminate based on color or anything else. She is choosing to "separate" herself from us. So as she said the Main Board fits her needs, then so be it. Why question the BAF board, if it's of no interest to you? If she's feels it's not interesting to her, then keep it moving and don't waste time complaining when she chooses not to visit on her own.
If God made anything better than WOMEN, I think he kept it for himself.
Kris Kristofferson
I did, I just read it. We must have been typing at the same time. I was responding to Roses mom and saw that you and I were both on the same page. As Michelle stated your reponse was much more eloquent than I. It just really upset me, the we want to be treated LIKE we are NORMAL?????? 
They better hope Deedee don't see it. She is probably still fuming from last nights craziness and they will get the brunt of it. And LAWD don't let Treena see it if she ain't had her meds!!! (Treena - don't get offended, just borrowing a phrase from your post last night

They better hope Deedee don't see it. She is probably still fuming from last nights craziness and they will get the brunt of it. And LAWD don't let Treena see it if she ain't had her meds!!! (Treena - don't get offended, just borrowing a phrase from your post last night

Working on me - want to be better in everyway not just physically!!! Its a process no time to judge or be judged!!!!

Ok, I must have missed the treated like we are normal part. Let me go back and read. Lawd, I ain't gonna get nothing done today!!!
I'm waiting on Dedee too and Treena. This is gonna be really interesting.
I'm waiting on Dedee too and Treena. This is gonna be really interesting.
If God made anything better than WOMEN, I think he kept it for himself.
Kris Kristofferson
Girl, you should see what BIRD responded today! Bless her heart, she must live among birds and not humans....a mostly BLACK community she lives in with her attitude......reminds me of the chick on R&R who did not know ghetto or hood was associated to mostly BLACKS ~with her lying asse~....honestly, I pity people like her. ~not being funny, I do~
I focus not on my disabilty; my focus is on my ABILITIES.
(Dedee, 2009)
My hearing impairment ENABLES me, not disables me.
(Dedee, 2008)