Just gratitude....
Today I am 3 years post-op, and had it not been for the wisdom, kindness, beauty, patience, instruction, and encouragement (verbally and nonverbally) from my BAF family, I would not have been able to have endured this long!
I appreciate the BAF veterans ,especially, for not just telling me what to do, but for showing me what to do to make my journey successful.... you live it and it shows in how so very beautiful/handsome/attractive you all are.... I really don't have a long spill. I really just want to show gratitude for being 3 years post-op, and to encourage any one by saying that ALL things are possible to those who believe. If you are like me and maintenance is a mugga, don't give up!! If you are considering surgery, get all the information you can and choose what is right for you. If you are a new-op, take advantage of your honeymoon stage and lose all you can while you can. If you are no-op, continue to do what is best for you.... all of us are the same; we are all trying to better ourselves and make our futures a little brighter.... God bless and keep all of you...
I really really do thank you SO very much... - Stacie