my survey...
Long and fat
Oral and anal yes both, I am greedy
Fast and slow and medium
cum in me baby
toys and hands both do the job
Now this message will self destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2, a mess, you betta not delete it...and greedy is good! i'm sure yr hubby likes greedy

"He who binds to himself a joy doth the winged life destroy. But he who kisses the joy as it flies lives in Eternity's sunrise."~William Blake

Caught red handed!!!!!!
I've been pudgy, chubby, thick, and now fat........Imma give thin a go round!!!
SW-262, size 18W, 5'6"
CW-168 1/15/2010
94 Lbs down...6 more to go...changed goal to see Onderland for a hot second!
As soon as I hit send, I knew somebody was gonna catch the fact that I didn't answer...LOL
narrow and long or short and fat? Short and long as he can work it!
oral or anal? oral......anal is ONLY for VERY special occasions
bottom or top? both/either but if I gotta choose, top (I LOVE the control)
fast or slow? start out slow then fast....going back and forth with it
cum in or out? in
hands or toys? both are good
Dayum is it 2:00 yet??????
Oh, and I'm tellin, did Shani answer?
The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. - Oprah Winfrey

You have been buck wild lately!!! I likes!
I've been pudgy, chubby, thick, and now fat........Imma give thin a go round!!!
SW-262, size 18W, 5'6"
CW-168 1/15/2010
94 Lbs down...6 more to go...changed goal to see Onderland for a hot second!