Finally Update for the day and Thanks
First I want to thank each and everyone of you who took the time to read my message of stress. I was typing the message on my cell phone which is not that easy to do especially when I was already stressed the heck out but I want each one of you to know I was reading your replies and it really did my heart good to know that prayers was being sent out.
I just got in from the hospital, he is still in ICU, they had the toughest time waking him up, he lost a lot of blood while being operated which is expected when the surgery is on the head but the loss was a lot more than they thought and I guess his body had a hard time dealing with the loss. It was very hard listening to his groan in pain, but they could not give him anything until he was fully woke from the surgery around 8:30. It was a very long day for me, they started at 8 am and wheeled him into ICU at 3:00. But I left him in the hand of God and the great nursing staff and I will be back there early tomorrow morning.
I want to send out special thanks.
First to DeeDee, your text came in just in the right time, when I read it, it put a smile on my face to know that you took out time in your busy schedule to send the text.
Second, Lavender, girl, what can I say, your phone call was a God sent, at that time I was so tired from walking the entire hospital on little to no sleep, but your call and your words, was what I need to be able to sit down for a bit and let go and let God take over and if that was not enough, you were kind enough to call not once but twice to check on him and also to check on my mental being.
Last but not least Shani, you will never know how much those two words "want company" meant to me. I was literally going crazy, pacing the floors by myself with no one to talk to. To be able to think about something other than me and the surgery was such a big help. Not only did you show up but you walked the floors of each of the floors with me again and the flights of stairs, you know how I get when I am harassing someone into exercising, and even though you did not have the correct shoes on (cute shoes by the way), you still did not complain (too loud) about walking with me. Then you sat down and talked with me and kept me company until the time when I found out that he was out of surgery.
Today enforced to me what BAF is all about, support, there will be drama but when push come to shove, the support out weights the drama every time.
BAF, from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you, any surgery is hard to deal with, but when you dealing with opening up a person head and not knowing the outcome physically as well as mentally, to say that today was a very stressful day is putting it lightly and I will never forget the support that I received today.
From Thurman and I, thank you for your great support
I just got in from the hospital, he is still in ICU, they had the toughest time waking him up, he lost a lot of blood while being operated which is expected when the surgery is on the head but the loss was a lot more than they thought and I guess his body had a hard time dealing with the loss. It was very hard listening to his groan in pain, but they could not give him anything until he was fully woke from the surgery around 8:30. It was a very long day for me, they started at 8 am and wheeled him into ICU at 3:00. But I left him in the hand of God and the great nursing staff and I will be back there early tomorrow morning.
I want to send out special thanks.
First to DeeDee, your text came in just in the right time, when I read it, it put a smile on my face to know that you took out time in your busy schedule to send the text.
Second, Lavender, girl, what can I say, your phone call was a God sent, at that time I was so tired from walking the entire hospital on little to no sleep, but your call and your words, was what I need to be able to sit down for a bit and let go and let God take over and if that was not enough, you were kind enough to call not once but twice to check on him and also to check on my mental being.
Last but not least Shani, you will never know how much those two words "want company" meant to me. I was literally going crazy, pacing the floors by myself with no one to talk to. To be able to think about something other than me and the surgery was such a big help. Not only did you show up but you walked the floors of each of the floors with me again and the flights of stairs, you know how I get when I am harassing someone into exercising, and even though you did not have the correct shoes on (cute shoes by the way), you still did not complain (too loud) about walking with me. Then you sat down and talked with me and kept me company until the time when I found out that he was out of surgery.
Today enforced to me what BAF is all about, support, there will be drama but when push come to shove, the support out weights the drama every time.
BAF, from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you, any surgery is hard to deal with, but when you dealing with opening up a person head and not knowing the outcome physically as well as mentally, to say that today was a very stressful day is putting it lightly and I will never forget the support that I received today.
From Thurman and I, thank you for your great support
Awwwww - I am glad to hear everything is okay - and that you made it too!!!! I been thinking about you all day.......

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at:
Thank you so much, I saw your post today, just couldnt deal with typing on that cell phone at the time.
Going to take a shower and crawl in the bed to try to get some sleep, praying the telephone do not ring with any news that he had a turn in the middle of the night and be back there first thing in the morning.
Continue to pray, he is not out of the woods yet, but now, we just have to pray that God will heal his body without in lasting ill effects.
Going to take a shower and crawl in the bed to try to get some sleep, praying the telephone do not ring with any news that he had a turn in the middle of the night and be back there first thing in the morning.
Continue to pray, he is not out of the woods yet, but now, we just have to pray that God will heal his body without in lasting ill effects.
You are on my prayer list lady! Hope you got some rest and feel better today!!!
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at:
Girl, just be glad a ****** can't hear ROFLMAO....cause I so wanted to call you and just chat my asse away about Lifetime Fitness to take your mind off the surgery. I'm praying for a GREAT recovery, Doll!
Love ya!
Love ya!
I focus not on my disabilty; my focus is on my ABILITIES.
(Dedee, 2009)
My hearing impairment ENABLES me, not disables me.
(Dedee, 2008)
Mine *****
on 12/16/08 1:18 pm
on 12/16/08 1:18 pm
GLAD to hear that Thurman's surgery is over and that BAF came through for you. See this is what I have been saying to my folk alllllll of these years and it's postings like this that make you keep coming back for the REAL DEAL. I will continue to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Peace and Blessings!!!!!!!!!!
GLAD to hear that Thurman's surgery is over and that BAF came through for you. See this is what I have been saying to my folk alllllll of these years and it's postings like this that make you keep coming back for the REAL DEAL. I will continue to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Peace and Blessings!!!!!!!!!!
The question that I am asked most often:
Is that your hair??????
A Phenomenal Woman who doesn't have to Ego Trip to Still Rise: Pretty women often wonder where my secret lies...I am a woman, phenomenally....that's me!!!!!