Why in the hell do Grocery Stores....
I'm not really a candy person but I know exactly what you mean about them putting things around that register that they know we're not supposed to have (whether someone had WLS or not.)
That's why I always thumb through the magazines at the counters while I'm in line. I figure for every page that I read "unpaid for" should make up for all of the unsolicited candy they try and force on me in my moment of weakness.

Hey thurr Double Ayy,
It's hard to look at it, at least it is for me. I've been having a lot of weaknesses the last week...This is so unlike me.. I'll get a grip soon I hope.. If I could just plug my treadmill in...without blowing a fuse.. I would try to burn off some of the calories ....Do I scare you when I talk about cutting somebody...
It's hard to look at it, at least it is for me. I've been having a lot of weaknesses the last week...This is so unlike me.. I'll get a grip soon I hope.. If I could just plug my treadmill in...without blowing a fuse.. I would try to burn off some of the calories ....Do I scare you when I talk about cutting somebody...

"Criticism like rain should be gentle enough to nourish man"
" I'm Motown's Finest and I approve this message"
" I'm Motown's Finest and I approve this message"