An Observation (debate post)
on 12/16/08 9:37 pm
As a nurse I have seen many slim people suffering from cardiac and other diseases while I myself have no health issues. After having lost my first 50 lbs, my bp is low 90-100/50-60. My last set of lab work showed I am now HYPOglycemic. I still have a good 150 more pounds to go.
I just don't think you can look at a person and base your idea of whether or not they are healthy. Sometimes looks can be deceiving.
some say "I don't want to LOOK SICK when I lose weight" My debate is "DO YOU LOOK UNSICK ~not a word~ while you are OBESE?
So the debate is does FAT look healthy and SKINNY looks sick?
You a nurse, hmmmm, don't let me find out you a NP and can right scripts ROFLMAO ~just kidding~
I focus not on my disabilty; my focus is on my ABILITIES.
(Dedee, 2009)
My hearing impairment ENABLES me, not disables me.
(Dedee, 2008)
Okay, another vote for healthy! ~I still think I looked a hot mess...loved me and kept up my appearance, but I looked a hot mess with my big jolly asse~
I focus not on my disabilty; my focus is on my ABILITIES.
(Dedee, 2009)
My hearing impairment ENABLES me, not disables me.
(Dedee, 2008)

And I think people think sick....because what is most associated with illness is weightloss.
When I was BIGGER I always felt it was important to smile and be happy. Mind you I may have not had much to be happy about but i've always had the ability to find the good in a bad situation so I stayed happy. I didn't have ANY of the things that are associated w/ obesity myself (THANK GOD)
So I say it all depends on how a person carries they self. If your a grumpie a$$ then that will come out and you'll be able to see it. If your a happy go lucky a$$ person then that will always come out.
Smiling makes you look young!!!!
Ok, this is from my own observation and honest opinion from those who have had weight loss surgery, I have seen many that LOOKED GODLY SICK, they were not that skinny either, being thin has NOTHING to do with looking sick.
I have seen many RNY folks that were thin and looked great, they did not look sick, but I have seen MANY that looked drained and UNHEALTHY, I actually seen a few at a seminar with very dark circles around their eyes and a couple of girls teeth looked bad...perhaps from frequent vomiting? Not sure, I was too scared I would end up looking like this honestly when I did not initial research in weight loss surgery, this is one of the reasons I got the band..LOL...but I have seen many in my doctors office that looked very healthy and thin, I think it boils down to if someone is sickly from the git-go and have underlying health issues and some people just don't eat their proteins or exercise, and most importantly take their REQUIRED vitamins to look and stay healthy.
In other words being too thin and skinny looking look just as bad as being too obese....neither is pretty....
I keep pressing on....a lifetime of challenges...but still I rise!!!....Thank U God!!!