I'm tireder (yes tireder)
than 4 ******es, 12 ***** and 36 nutts.....OMG, I just got in from the gym! I have had a day I tell you....bad weather, work from home, do some test, online meetings, yada, yada, clean my house, shovel snow, cook supper, go to gym---DAYUM
Yawl, Phil is a BEAST! MY GOAL was to work out on the machines (stairs for 15 minutes and treadmil for 15) push weights--abs and legs....2 sets each of 8-12 reps...increasing the weight then get my girls out of childcare and shoot hoops....BUTTTTT
those stair things kicked my asse! I lasted all of 5 minutes....I'm like ***** THAT! ~roll eyes~
I did a mile on the treadmill.....do my first set of 8 reps on the ab machines......I was feeling good! DJ came ova first and motivated me....~I was feeling all proud....listening to Tupac HIT EM UP and schitt~ Then when I was working my legs...Phil came over...tapped me on my ass...like a football tap....not sexual ~roll eyes (foh someone post about PDA)~ so I did those 8 reps like a pro....walked around a bit to stretch some mo'.
Went back to the ab machines....increasing the weights......did 8-12....felt good, but tired....stomach hurting.....did the thigh and hip abduction....headed to do leg curls and my legs said, "I double dog dare you!"
WHEW....so I found Phil and said, "Baby, I'm done!" LOL
So, we head to get the girls, and WHY did we end up playing socca (soccer for the ebonic illiterate)? OMG! We played for an HOUR....not only was I SWEATING ~Dedee don't sweat~ I was TIRED AS *****! Phil would not let me take time outs......then we throw the football til I said, "THAT'S IT, I'm not trying to DIE" ~roll eyes~
I kid you not, I'm sleepy, tired, hurting....and ready to go back tomorrow LOL
Dedee bout to git wit it!
Yawl, Phil is a BEAST! MY GOAL was to work out on the machines (stairs for 15 minutes and treadmil for 15) push weights--abs and legs....2 sets each of 8-12 reps...increasing the weight then get my girls out of childcare and shoot hoops....BUTTTTT
those stair things kicked my asse! I lasted all of 5 minutes....I'm like ***** THAT! ~roll eyes~
I did a mile on the treadmill.....do my first set of 8 reps on the ab machines......I was feeling good! DJ came ova first and motivated me....~I was feeling all proud....listening to Tupac HIT EM UP and schitt~ Then when I was working my legs...Phil came over...tapped me on my ass...like a football tap....not sexual ~roll eyes (foh someone post about PDA)~ so I did those 8 reps like a pro....walked around a bit to stretch some mo'.
Went back to the ab machines....increasing the weights......did 8-12....felt good, but tired....stomach hurting.....did the thigh and hip abduction....headed to do leg curls and my legs said, "I double dog dare you!"
WHEW....so I found Phil and said, "Baby, I'm done!" LOL
So, we head to get the girls, and WHY did we end up playing socca (soccer for the ebonic illiterate)? OMG! We played for an HOUR....not only was I SWEATING ~Dedee don't sweat~ I was TIRED AS *****! Phil would not let me take time outs......then we throw the football til I said, "THAT'S IT, I'm not trying to DIE" ~roll eyes~
I kid you not, I'm sleepy, tired, hurting....and ready to go back tomorrow LOL
Dedee bout to git wit it!

I focus not on my disabilty; my focus is on my ABILITIES.
(Dedee, 2009)
My hearing impairment ENABLES me, not disables me.
(Dedee, 2008)
^5 on Dedee bout to git wit it! I can't hardly wait to see the difference in me in about 60 days. I just have to get my food game right and it's on!
People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown
Look at you.....me loves the avie, Doll! ~smooches~
Girl, I was so HUNGRY too....so I ODed on some lil cuties ~mandarin oranges~!
I have been doing pretty good with my eating, but I am craving FRIED SEAFOOD for supper!
All liquids for me until supper LOL
Girl, I was so HUNGRY too....so I ODed on some lil cuties ~mandarin oranges~!
I have been doing pretty good with my eating, but I am craving FRIED SEAFOOD for supper!
All liquids for me until supper LOL
I focus not on my disabilty; my focus is on my ABILITIES.
(Dedee, 2009)
My hearing impairment ENABLES me, not disables me.
(Dedee, 2008)