Anybody ever felt.............
Thank you ......Yeah, you are right becasue I never thought I would be where I am so soon. I ordered a dress on-line this past week, ordered a 16 because that's about what I have been wearing. Pulled the dress out and I was like I'm going to have to send this back cause there is no way in the world i can get into this........................How bout put the dress on and it fit perfect!!!!!!!!!!! I JUST DON'T SEE ME THAT is sooooo crazy. Im trying to get to nice even 12.

That trips me out too. People really stop me when I'm with my sister...she's 10 months younger than me...they say we look like twins now. LOL
I guess under all the fat rolls a different person was hiding and all of a sudden emerged or somthing.

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. - Oprah Winfrey