My son lost my $1800.00 Necklace...
Me....where have you been all this time..
Terry....I need to tell you something Mom
Me....Don't tell me you have lost my dayum necklace...
Terry...I went to the service station to put some air in my tire, and I think it may have fell out of my pocket while I was squatting down.. Mom please don't be mad at me.. I should have just taken it to the jewelry store without stopping..
Me.....Start counting Joyce because you are getting ready to lose it on Terry...
Me....Did you go back to the service station where you got the dayum air???
Terry.... Yes Mom and I went in the service station to ask them if anybody turned it in..
Me... You know dayum well nobody turned it in and even if they did, do you think those Arab's going to give it to you..
Terry....Mom I will work all the overtime I can until I can replace your necklace...
Me..... You can't replace that necklace it meant so much to me it's not the price the memories that go with that necklace..
Terry......Oh I remember Eddie gave that to you when he had cancer..
Terry.....then what can I do...
Me...... I said replace my dayum necklace with something.. after you hit the Lottery for a few millions.
Terry....Mom I was scared to come back home because I knew how much that necklace meant to you.. So I went to some jewlery stores trying to find your necklace and I was going to put it in lay-away until I could get it out... I couldn't find one like yours.
Me.... That's allright Terry.. I got some more...But that was the biggest one and the prettiest one..
Me....Don't worry about it... I'll get another one later on.. You know I love you don't you....
Terry... yes Mom but it was so careless of me..
Me ....You dayum rt. it was.. You should have heard the box hit the ground...
Terry ...Not with the air going...
Me... Don't you ever tell Eddie you lost it...

Terry....Don't you tell Eddie I lost it..
" I'm Motown's Finest and I approve this message"

" I'm Motown's Finest and I approve this message"

Sorry about your necklace I seen your posting 1/2 hour ago and couldn't start to read it until now. I know you no he love you and is really sorry. Even though sometime we try to say it ok it hard. But do take a deep breathe and calm down before you really be sick.
I just found 2 earring to the other pair had two different earring and couldn't the pairs. They are 30 year earrings I have several jacket pocket but it was in a handful
of change for several weeks.
Love you and calm down.
PS Thanks for the card.
Proverb 16:9
May not be where I want to be but I glad to be where I'm at.

Working at getting the rest of the way.
12/10/2012 I'll be having LBL, BL/BA, thigh & arm lift, eyelid
Body by Dr. Sauceda booked to 12/9--12/22

" I'm Motown's Finest and I approve this message"

Hi Ms. Joyce I got this watch my HB gave me years agoeverytime I wear tha****ch it will drop off my wrist and someone will run after me asking me if it belong to see. Not lie.
So I not it a long shot but I'm going to be prayer for the return of that necklace. Who now there lots of people like me I will turn anything in even if it junk jewerly. So I paraying for the retun of that necklace.
To You and Terry
Ps tell him when her get's it back to let me.
I know that special peice of clothing or jewerly that make us put our head in the sky. Shoot I didn't sleep late night feel like restless legs tonight.
Proverb 16:9
May not be where I want to be but I glad to be where I'm at.

Working at getting the rest of the way.
12/10/2012 I'll be having LBL, BL/BA, thigh & arm lift, eyelid
Body by Dr. Sauceda booked to 12/9--12/22