I hate to be so serious this early, but....

on 12/15/08 11:35 pm, edited 12/15/08 11:52 pm - Chatt to Madison, TN
I have two questions for anyone who wants to answer them...

first off, I am having a discussion at work and this is how these conversations came about..

1. When someone says the words "PRO-BLACK"... What does that mean to you?


2. For those of you who agree with abortion, are you PRO -ABORTION or are you PRO -CHOICE?

You can explain why if you want... that would be welcome..


K, Now there has been an addendum added the question 2.....

If you are PRO-CHOICE, then should the father (if applicable) have a choice in the abortion decision? and why or why not?

I GOTS MAD NINJA SKILLS!!!!!!!........

Tiffany G.
on 12/15/08 11:38 pm
Pro-Black to me means just that...  pro-black, proud to be black, etc.  I don't take it as anti-anything.

I'm pro-choice.  I don't think anyone is pro-abortion.  Pro-choice means you want abortion available as a choice for other people, but doesn't necessarily mean you would want one yourself.
~*Tiffany*~ my DS
on 12/15/08 11:40 pm
I don't know about whole 'Pro-Black' thing - I wouldn't consider myself under that label...... to me it doesn't really sound all that inspiring.... LOL

As for the abortion - I am both, or either.  I absolutely think women should have the option of whether they are saddled with birthing and caring for a child - and I am pro REQUIRING those who are breeding dogs on public assistance to HAVE to have them.......

**Screaming - RHONDA!!!  Bring the Caddy round the corner for me!!!!***

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

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on 12/15/08 11:41 pm - Brooklyn, NY
Seems to me that when I say I am "PRO" anything, I am "for" it.   If I'm "PRO BLACK" it doesn't necessarily mean i'm "Anti" anyone else..just means I'm more vested in Black. 

"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer."   Plutach.  Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.


* Amanda *.
on 12/15/08 11:45 pm, edited 12/15/08 11:45 pm - Chicago, IL
I agree with Tiffany, I think Pro-Black means proud to be black.

I am pro-choice (anti-abortion). This means that I would not have an abortion but I support a woman's right to choose what to do with her body. I think abortions are necessary in some cases and in others it is abused and used as a form of birth control. This is the part of it that I don't agree with. In high school, I knew of several girls who had SEVERAL abortions, like it is the same as popping birth control pills.
Kim B.
on 12/15/08 11:47 pm - OH
I also feel 'pro' anything means you are 'for' it. 

***raising fist....Power to the People!

As for #2, I am both....I'm for abortions AND for choice.
Meaning, I would have an abortion and I'm for anyone else having the choice to have or not to have abortions.

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. - Oprah Winfrey


on 12/15/08 11:51 pm - Chatt to Madison, TN
Kim B.
on 12/16/08 12:02 am - OH
That's a hard one.  * I * think it should be a shared decision (between the mother and father) But I don't see that happening. 

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. - Oprah Winfrey


on 12/16/08 12:12 am - Chatt to Madison, TN
Kim... It is hard. And I do agree that will never happen..

So what do you think should happen if there is a difference of opinion Between the two?

Referr to EDIT on first post...

I GOTS MAD NINJA SKILLS!!!!!!!........

Kim B.
on 12/16/08 12:22 am - OH
So what do you think should happen if there is a difference of opinion Between the two?

That's why I don't see it happening. 

In * my * ideal world, if there is a difference in opinion:

***case scenario #1, father wants baby, mother does not - she has the baby but custody goes to Dad

***case scenario #2, mother wants baby, father does not - mother gets custody

In both cases, the parent who does not want the child should be able to sign away all rights...meaning no child support

Of course, this will never happen.  JMO

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. - Oprah Winfrey


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