Getting Back Up when you have fallen
((((Brenda)))) I feel your pain. We have to dust ourselves off and regroup, recommit to the things that we need to be doing. Remember how we said we wanted to look....dammit we have got to quit banging our heads against the wall
and exercise
and follow the rules

People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown
Chile - welcome to real life!!! I did the SAME freakin thing when things were rough on my job - me and the candyman got together and it was a rough breakup once I decided that mofo had to go! LOL - you will get a 'cut point' - the feeling that enough is enough and get back on track - you have come too far to allow things to fall apart now!!!
And it ain't a bad thing to indulge your feelings - we all react negatively to stress and a mofo telling you to exercise instead of eating a choc chip cookie ain't gon work - cause for real **** that treadmill - I don't know about you,but I'm eating the mofoin cookie!!!!
But you gotta get your head back in the game - hopefully now that you know you are alright with the job situation, you can relax a bit and get back in gear.
And it ain't a bad thing to indulge your feelings - we all react negatively to stress and a mofo telling you to exercise instead of eating a choc chip cookie ain't gon work - cause for real **** that treadmill - I don't know about you,but I'm eating the mofoin cookie!!!!
But you gotta get your head back in the game - hopefully now that you know you are alright with the job situation, you can relax a bit and get back in gear.
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((((Brenda)))) Girl we are all fighting some kind of demon. I personally am fighting this
demon. I have been out of control with drinking wine & vodka like daily. My hubby and son have both commented to me about it so I know it's bad. I have vowed to get back on track and reduce my drinking to a minimum of weekend only. It took everything in me to not swing by the liquor store after work yesterday but I did it. I ain't say I was gonna quit cold turkey, but ummm I'm just gonna take it one day at a time, really that's all we can do. Get your head back in the game like MM said and get on your grind.

I am also fighting demons...sometimes it feels like I can't win for losing!
I pray...A LOT! I know He won't give me more than I can handle.
Take things one day at a time. Things can always be worse.
for all of us out here fighting!
I pray...A LOT! I know He won't give me more than I can handle.
Take things one day at a time. Things can always be worse.

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. - Oprah Winfrey
When you get a moment, read my profile. I have gone through everything you described.
1. Don't be ashamed to seek professional help. I saw a therapist for YEARS and it was vital for my sanity.
2. Get an accountability partner who will give it to you straight. Not only would this person tell you what to do, but they will do it with you.
3. Learn how to say no. No to baking for friends and family. This is for your health -- you have to look out for self.
4. Write positive affirmations to yourself and leave them everywhere (computer, refrigerator, mirror).
5. Pray, pray, and pray some more.
Best wishes to you.