Something to think about

on 12/15/08 3:30 am - Pueblo, CO
This came to me from a friend.  I thought it might be nice to pass on.

I hope that you are excited as I am about Senator Barack Obama's recent election to the Presidency of the United States of America .
I am sure that you have received emails and text messages poking fun at McCain supporters or joking about the obvious cultural shift that is about to take place in the White House...and while some may be on point, some are (no matter how "humorous") dangerous.
Our country is in flux..  We are in the midst of one of the most significant events in our nation's history and how WE carry ourselves is more important than ever before.
We cannot allow our President-elect to be made a mockery, especially by his own people.  Not only does he represent everything that is great about our nation; Barack Obama literally personifies how awesome we are as a people.  His wisdom, his poise, his eloquence, his fortitude, even his swagger ... illustrate the greatness of a people who have been dismissed, discarded, discouraged, and disregarded by not only "the majority", but also by our own.
It is funny how we can't stand Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or Bill O'Reilly for their condescending and surreptitious attacks on Obama; but we email and text blast everyone from the 'hood about "free BBQ on the White House lawn" and messages of the like...
Let's be real, it is the same song, just a different band...
So, today, I personally implore you...when you get the stereotypical, shuck and jive, hee-haw emails or texts about our President-elect...even when they make you smile or chuckle...think of how much pleasure that some ignorant, hate-filled racist would get from that message...and then, remember the sacrifices that were made so that this is even possible...
I dare you...forward THIS message, like the ones about fried chicken, basketball, and red Cool- Aid and pimped-out Presidential vehicles in the White House.
Challenge everyone you know to stop making a mockery of our President-elect, Our country and our people...
This is our time...
So let's rise to it.

A woman's heart must be so hidden in GOD that a man must first seek GOD in order to find her"    


on 12/15/08 3:37 am - Home Is Where, The HEART is, Midwest
I never get into that....there is only one thing the husby and I say and I still hold to it...

the white house bout to have a different scent ~by that we mean Michelle is going to be cooking~

I love to walk in my house, mom's house....cause it smells like HOME

The white house is about to smell like HOME

I detested SNL last night too mocking NY governor ~that pissed me off~

I focus not on my disabilty; my focus is on my ABILITIES.  
(Dedee, 2009)              

My hearing impairment ENABLES me, not disables me.
(Dedee, 2008)


on 12/15/08 3:43 am - Pueblo, CO
I missed that, but I read the reviews on MSN.  It's funny that that white dude played Obama and Patterson - I wonder if he's "passin".  LOL

A woman's heart must be so hidden in GOD that a man must first seek GOD in order to find her"    


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