Calling all BAF- Lap Banders

Sassy Sharron
on 12/15/08 1:04 am - GA
To those of you that have had lap band surgery, are you finding those last 20-30 lbs hard to come off.  I am a year and 1/2 post op.  I have 34 lbs to lose but they don't seems to be moving.   I will admit that I am not exercising like I was starting off. 
What has been your experience?  And are you happy with your progress?

on 12/15/08 1:32 am - DFW, TX
I am exactly 2 years out and have been 30-35 pounds from goal for over a year.  WHY?  Little to no exercise.  Every time I see my doc he reminds me without exercise I am not going to hit goal. 

I'm not happy but not so sad that I'm moving my butt. 
Faith *
on 12/15/08 2:18 am
Hi Sharon,

And I thought I was the only one!  I have been playing with gaining and losing the same 10-15 pounds about 3 times now during the last 6 months.  I am hoping by me joining the gym on 12/02/08 will help me.  I had been a lazy butt and not exercised and lost my weight.  If only I had taken adfvantage of the "honeymoon" period and exercised then I would probably be at goal.  I remind myself that it's no fault but my own.  However, I TRY not to beat myself up about it.  I am happy with my progress and I am taking it more seriously and recommitting to doing the things that I need to do in order for me to reach my goal.

People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown

on 12/15/08 3:24 am - Pueblo, CO
On December 15, 2008 at 10:18 AM Pacific Time, Faith Thomas wrote:
Hi Sharon,

And I thought I was the only one!  I have been playing with gaining and losing the same 10-15 pounds about 3 times now during the last 6 months.  I am hoping by me joining the gym on 12/02/08 will help me.  I had been a lazy butt and not exercised and lost my weight.  If only I had taken adfvantage of the "honeymoon" period and exercised then I would probably be at goal.  I remind myself that it's no fault but my own.  However, I TRY not to beat myself up about it.  I am happy with my progress and I am taking it more seriously and recommitting to doing the things that I need to do in order for me to reach my goal.

I didn't know there was a Honeymoon period!  I guess I must be in it because I'm about to hit the 50-pound mark by Jan 1, and my gym time has been hit or miss at best.  I better get my azz in gear, huh?   I'm just enjoying the ride!!!!

A woman's heart must be so hidden in GOD that a man must first seek GOD in order to find her"    


Faith *
on 12/15/08 3:27 am

Hi Trish,

The usual honeymoon period is your first year.  Please, please, please, follow the rules, exercise and do whatever it is your doctor has instructed you to do so you can achieve maximum weight loss/results in the shortest amount of time.

People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown

on 12/15/08 3:35 am - Pueblo, CO
I know you're right Faith.  This is a first for me - in all the many diets I've tried over the years, this is the first time I've lost this much weight.  It's 6 below here today, and prolly for the rest of the week.  I will have my butt back in the gym next week - I've promised myself.  Thanks for the smack upside my head!!!

A woman's heart must be so hidden in GOD that a man must first seek GOD in order to find her"    


LuciousLA & Babylapband
on 12/15/08 5:21 am - Greenbelt, MD
Lap Band on 02/13/06 with
With due respect, I totally disagree with the statement that the first year for a lapbander is the honeymoon period, depending on the doctor since some are aggressive while others are conservative, some does not get to a good fill level until 4 to 6 months, and if the first year was the honeymoon period, then realistic, they would only have 4 months to take advantage of the honeymoon period.  I think the most important thing is fills level, some folks get tight fills right away so that they can get where they are going as fast as possible, while others go slowly on the fills, giving their-selves time to adjust to eating differently. 

I think what most need to learn and accept, only the few lucky one can get away with not exercising, the sooner a person learn and accept that exercise is part of the program the better they will be not to mention a tone body gives you the appearance of being smaller than you are.
Faith *
on 12/15/08 9:20 am
@ the sooner a person learn and accept that exercise is part of the program the better they will be not to mention a tone body gives you the appearance of being smaller than you are.

When I use the term honeymoon period ... IMO, for some this can be the first 12 months all the way up until 24 months.  I believe for me it was the the first 12 months.  I thought it was cute as first not exercising and still losing weight.  Now, if I had been exercising, it is very possible that I could be at goal or very close to it. 

People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown

Klassy -N- Sassy
on 12/15/08 3:03 am - belleville, MI
do you think that a 66 year old women can lose with the lap band? my mom needs it bad she has diabetes, and a slight heart condition I dont think she should get RNY what you lap banders think?
I'm Every Woman STILL doing my thang.......Kelly 
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on 12/15/08 3:22 am - Pueblo, CO
On December 15, 2008 at 11:03 AM Pacific Time, Klassy -N- Sassy wrote:
do you think that a 66 year old women can lose with the lap band? my mom needs it bad she has diabetes, and a slight heart condition I dont think she should get RNY what you lap banders think?
I think she should go for it!  check out the people on the WLS over 50 board.  Some of them had surgery late and are doing well

A woman's heart must be so hidden in GOD that a man must first seek GOD in order to find her"    


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