on 12/15/08 2:54 am
on 12/15/08 2:54 am
My moma called me crying saying she was in trouble. She has overdawn her account by $217.00 and can't tell me how it happened. Well half of it was insufficient funds, so she has been writing checks and not realizing that she was overdrawn. I asked her how it happened she kept saying she didn't know.
Thing is my moma is great with bookkeeping and now i'm worried that she is slipping. She is 75 now and I think it's time to step in and check out her finances. I have access to all her accounts, I have for years but all I do is put money in them, now I have to really keep an eye on her without making her feel like i'm trying to take over her life.
It makes me sad to think of my mom as getting to this point. I tansferred the money to bail out her account with an extra $500 that she can't get hold of is put in a bail out account in case it happens again.
Anyone else have aging parents that they have taken over their finances, Yall got any adv****
Thing is my moma is great with bookkeeping and now i'm worried that she is slipping. She is 75 now and I think it's time to step in and check out her finances. I have access to all her accounts, I have for years but all I do is put money in them, now I have to really keep an eye on her without making her feel like i'm trying to take over her life.
It makes me sad to think of my mom as getting to this point. I tansferred the money to bail out her account with an extra $500 that she can't get hold of is put in a bail out account in case it happens again.
Anyone else have aging parents that they have taken over their finances, Yall got any adv****
Salty Pickle a.k.a. Lee

I don't know how I would handle that one....... hope it works out.....
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
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I feel you! If my mama ever needed it - I would certainly do my best as well!
right now she uses me as a personal shopper to help her find shiot to buy - lol
right now she uses me as a personal shopper to help her find shiot to buy - lol
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at:
fyi - Trina....Yo Momma can be a BILLIONAIRE and end up in the same predicament...... Most old people are preyed upon for different types of schemes and whatsoever....... I read it about it EVERYDAY, how you think Anna Nicole came into all that money??
No advice Lee (love that name that is my last name) my parents are both "61" and thus far are okay...
No advice Lee (love that name that is my last name) my parents are both "61" and thus far are okay...
Have you not read the shiot I post about my mama???!!!!!
I wish a MOFO COULD try to scam her azz!!!!! LOL - she won't even DONATE to the GIRL SCOUTS!!!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA!!!!!
My mama ain't neva lost a NICKLE behind a scam!!!
I wish a MOFO COULD try to scam her azz!!!!! LOL - she won't even DONATE to the GIRL SCOUTS!!!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA!!!!!
My mama ain't neva lost a NICKLE behind a scam!!!
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at:
on 12/15/08 3:03 am
on 12/15/08 3:03 am
MM my moma use to be the same way. She was on top of it and she is very smart would never ever fall for a scam but when their minds start to go it goes and it happens gradually. But I am suspect that my moma may have given money to one of my brothers. I am going to give her ass the 5th degree later.
Salty Pickle a.k.a. Lee
True dat - My granddaddy had demntia (sp) before he died and a lotta money disappeared - me and mama got a hold of him and got a power of attorney just before he really lost it and managed everything from there.
We already have medical power of attorney's on file - putting other stuff in line too, wills, etc. Just in case!
We already have medical power of attorney's on file - putting other stuff in line too, wills, etc. Just in case!
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: