Thank you! Sorry it took so long to get back. Since Saturday, it's been very hectic for me. My kids are still here, we celebrated, went to church and Mark had his surgery yesterday and he's doing great. Thanks again for the love!
¡Vivo mi vida para mí! Translation: I live my life for me!
Thanks! I still haven't rested! I've been no stop since the grduation. My family is still here and we celebrated and the hubby had his surgery yesterday, so I've been on the road for real! But it's allllll good!!!!!!!!!! This moment comes once in a lifetime!!!! So I'm going to enjoy it and rest later!
¡Vivo mi vida para mí! Translation: I live my life for me!
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! That was beautiful! Don't make me . It's nice to know that I've made a small impact on someone to actually say that to me. I will cherish yours and everyone elses' well wishes always. Thank you....Thank you....Thank you!!!!!
¡Vivo mi vida para mí! Translation: I live my life for me!