Have a question and don't mean to offend.....just asking
on 12/13/08 12:59 am
Having said all that I will say. I have bags under my eyes now that I did not have before surgery but the bags under my eyes were a great trade off for better health.
If you are tired of hearing the negative stuff you should stop telling people because they are going to say negative stuff cause they don't want you to get thin and cute. God Forbid.

386 to current 186..... 200lbs down and FIONE than a mofo!!!! I don't look sick at all (you gotta get to know me to know I am sick in the head..... LOL!!!)
It CAN be done!!!! IF you work the right plan.......
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
I guess this is one of those moments where you have to decide if youre more concerned with the overall health of your body or the possibility of excess skin and other people's perception of you. I have to agree with what most of the women on here are saying...as far as the black females I've come across they actually look younger, healthier, and of course happier. Everyone's body is shaped differently. I've accepted that I'm going to have to have some cosmetic surgery in the future but for now I'm content and happy. I've posted recently a picture of myself after just a 40lb loss. Take a look...I think personally that I look WAAAYYY better ;)
I've noticed some excess skin but it hasnt even been 2months my body needs a chance to grasp on to the changes. I'm planning on having a breast reduction and tummy tuck in 2 years but other than that I'll appreciate every wrinkly and saggy skin if it means that I'm healthy and happier. :)
Start: 303/Surgery:295/Today:213/Goal:153


I have to agree with Mack Mama... I LOOKED fine then at 338 but NOW I'M HAWT AND I KNOW IT AND I AIN'T TO PROUD TO SHOW IT... CAUSE I.... Sorry sis... I got caught up in a song... LOL... At any rate... On the serious tip... To me... It wasn't all about what the hell I looked like because I always felt that if you love me now... you love me STILL... So damn what I look like to anybody... Vonda got tired of taking all that medication that was only killing me... Vonda is going to Disney World in 7 mo days with her family and I want to get on a ride and enjoy my family... I didn't want to not get on a ride with my of my children on to get on it and they couldn't close the safety device because I was to big... Or get on a ride that says... "If you have HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE do not RIDE"...
If you focus on LOOKS you will FELL!!! Worry about the health first sis...
Much love,
P.S... Remember this is BAF... we gone say what we wanna say... Positive or Negative... WE BLACK FOLK... LOL
Let me tell you about going to an amusement park after losing weight.
I went to Six Flaggs over TX back in Sept and acted like was 8 years old and just tall enough to ride the big boy rides. I rode every thing that i was too big to fit in a year ago, and wanted to ride more and couldnt cause they had to go and close the damn park. Who do they think they are, talking about they was tired and wanted to go home

I am a lurker lately myself. Since I'm home I thought I'd respond, lol!!
I'm a very real person so I will say that I had surgery for vanity reasons. I didn't have any co-morbidites. I wasn't on pills, I didn't have high blood pressure, diabetes..etc. I just got tired of hearing "you have such a pretty face." I'm just being real!! I guess whether your skin sags or not depends on the elasticity in your skin and on your genes. Fortunately, everyone's testimony isn't the same. Just because one person sagged doesn't mean the other one will and vice versa. You just have to go for yours and hopefully, you will get the results you want. I've lost 200lbs and I'm feeling kinda fly.....as I listen to Beyonce sing Ego, lol
Go Well,
It is not the load that breaks you down; it's the way you carry it. -Lena Horne