Do you think you are different post WLS????
Absolutely! My tolerance for nonsensical crap is at an all-time low!!!!
As for dating, I am fairly new in this scene, as I haven't actually "dated" in YEARS. But, as soon as someone (da menz) gets on my nerve, it's ADIOS bro - no chaser - just BYE! And no, I ain't one of those bitter women...just don't have TIME for 'tomfoolery!' (I luv dat word!)

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at:
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at:
My wife says I have changed, some things good, some not so good,
Good - I pay more attention to my apperance and how I carry my self, I am more confident
Not so good - I speak my mind more now, I notice more things that happen around me, (she say I notice more women too {I always have - I think she just notices it more}, and I am more confident (double edged sword)
My co-workers say Big T wouldnt do that, wouldnt call somebody out, and would be more diplomatic. They say that Slim (my alter ego) doesnt give a damn.
I hear a lot of folks say that those around them swear up and down that they have changed after WLS. I think it's reasonable that a person will change somewhat after such a life altering experience. However, for those that say you've changed so drastically -- maybe it isnt that you've changed all that much, but for the first time they are actually really paying attention to who you are. I dont know, for some reason I feel like folks start scrutinizing/analyzing a situation waaaaay too much once they find out you are/were a WLS patient. *or maybe its just the dumb a$$es I know*
Now - my homie - SHE is off da chain with hers!!!! Before WLS, her hubby was tired and shiftless, no working and always doggin her - chile, she lost the weight and got CRAZY!!!! I be on the phone listening to her talk to him like

That mofo not ONLY has a job - he works at LEAST 20 hrs overtime and makes SURE she has all the $$ she wants... and that doggin her?? PLEASE - tha script is FLIPPED for real these days!!!!
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: