Video games and Children...the big debate.

on 12/9/08 1:24 am - DFW, TX
You aren't going to change my mind on this but what's your thoughts? 

I am anti-video game to a large extent.  My son has a DS but he paid for it by himself (at 5.)  That was a concession from absolutely not to if you get the money you can get it.  I don't buy video games, period.  He gets money every month and then additional money for extra chores, gifts, etc. that he uses to purchase games for the thing.

He also has to choose between TV and the DS, not both. 

We have lots of puzzles, board games, etc. (dying art) that we play together and him by himself.  He also plays outside, we read every night, etc.

What's your thoughts?  I see people buying their 3 year old a WII and think WTF?

For me, I think children are okay to play video games, computer games, etc. but the majority of their time under age 10 should be spent playing actively--outside and indoors using their imagination and regular toys even if that means someone's fat (yes I said) ass parent getting up off the couch and being a parent.
hershey dream
on 12/9/08 2:01 am - Duluth, GA
My daughter did ask for a Wii for Xmas (she's 6).  At first, I was dead set against it because if she does the Wii anything like the PC....she'll never get off.  But then I started thinking about how interactive the games are, (her cousin has one and she worked up a good sweat, ,lol)

This may be a good way to introduce more activity to her when we're not outdoors but I still hadn't made up my mind 100%
Life is not about making it through the storm....but learning how to dance in the rain.      
on 12/9/08 2:04 am - GA
I have to agree with you; otherwise, how will children develop their social skills.  Video games don't do that -- at least I don't know one that does.  And some of the video games that teens purchase today have a lot to do with violence.  I'm glad the NFL have developed a Play60 program that encourages kids and families to get out and participate in some kind of physical activity at least 60 minutes a day.  I don't understand schools cutting out recess and physical education classes -- when I was in school we had both.

We have the first Xbox as well as a Game Cube.  The Xbox we purchases for the boys because they obtained honor roll at the same time (a large feat) and the Game Cube was a birthday gift to the youngest.  They went to live with their dad and we kept the devices so they'd have something to play with when they came to visit; however, because we refused to purchase any of those games with guns and car chases they had to settle with the NBA and NFL games so they didn't play them much.  We never purchased toy guns of any kind for them.

That 3 year old needs to be outside playing instead of inside -- unfortunately there are parents who still want their children baby sit or raised by the TV, video games and the mall.

HelpMeRhonda !!
on 12/9/08 2:09 am - J. R. Ewing, TX
I totally agree with you... My son is "21" and I have NEVER purchased him a game system (his grandma bought them all) I would ONLY periodically purchase him a game, and that was ONLY if the grades were good.

Terri D.
on 12/9/08 2:15 am
I'm debating this very thing.  My son is six and wants a Wii. I don't know that I'm anti video game, but I'm not sure I'm ready to change how he plays.  Right now, he's into Chess and action figures.  That's likely to change once a video game enters the picture.

On the flip side, have you seen Guitar Hero?  Hell, I wanna play.    
"Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools speak because they have to say something." Plato

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you'll be critized anyway." Eleanor Roosevelt
hershey dream
on 12/9/08 2:24 am - Duluth, GA
I wanted Dance Revolution, lol!
Life is not about making it through the storm....but learning how to dance in the rain.      
on 12/9/08 2:25 am - Los Angeles, CA
 THIS AINT THE 60'S!!!!! Having a game system is no different than playing with a pogo stick or jumping rope on the sidewalk, or running around playing cops and robbers in the back yard. There is nothing wrong with having a game system, there are so many different games out now days, over half of them are educational, its up to the parent to pick the right games for their child to play. Its not like its CRACK or something,lol.... I know too many of my friends whos parents did that same stuff to em, and the stuff they into now, isnt good, or they snuck around the parents more than they would have had to had they had certain freedoms. Its a new day. Thats like making somebody choose between Church & School, not both. Both can be educational, matter of fact, BOTH ARE! Its up to you as the parent to choose what the content of each are. My lil God Daughter is 4 and she has a DS, and the games she plays are Dora, and Elmo, and she watches them on TV too, is that wrong???? Every cartoon and disney show is educational in some sort. Like I said it all depends on the content of what you allow, but games can be your BEST friend when it comes to educating......
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Terri D.
on 12/9/08 2:37 am

Now, I have seen that glazed eye look in some young uns' after a few hours of video games, but your point is taken.  For me the question is not if he should have one, it's a simple matter of when he should have one. 

BTW . . . how you doing sugah?

"Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools speak because they have to say something." Plato

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you'll be critized anyway." Eleanor Roosevelt
on 12/9/08 2:56 am - Los Angeles, CA
 As early as possible! Its a scientific fact that children exposed to Video games, and technology based play time have higher IQ's than those that dont! I cant argue that, I'll get my 3 year old a Wii, as long as the right games are being played, and they are educational. As they get older, sure I'll let them have a game thats for PURE fun every now and then..... But content is a major factor. If it wasnt for number munchers etc.... I would have never learned to multiply, and I use to play that for HOURS!!!!! Same thing with Oregon trail, or Carmen Sandiego!
RAW~BIZ (Noun) : A being whose ORDINARY is EXTRAORDINARY Free Image Hosting
on 12/9/08 2:57 am - Los Angeles, CA
 Im good, tryin to get rid of this water weight, its making me not wanna drink another drop of water,lol....
RAW~BIZ (Noun) : A being whose ORDINARY is EXTRAORDINARY Free Image Hosting
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