I never really knew how to answer the Santa Claus question, so I didnt. I just let my daughter follow along with the traditions and the children at school. I kept the fantasy going by making sure that she had wonderful toys each year under the tree.
I would say my daughter was a believer until she was about 7 when she noticed the toys that had been set out for her on Christmas eve night were the same toys that was hiding in the back of the closet for about a month before Christmas.

I thought I had them hid well..........

Once the cat was out the bag, I confessed that it had been me all along and she confessed that she knew it all along.

Parenting is the hardest thing I've had to do...along with losing this weight. For real !

Be Blessed,
"He who binds to himself a joy doth the winged life destroy. But he who kisses the joy as it flies lives in Eternity's sunrise."~William Blake
I am so glad that I am not the only one that didn't lead their child to believe in santa. I too told my son the truth when he asked me. He is now six an he is telling all the kids that there is no santa clause. My best friend called the about a month ago because my son told her daughter that their is no santa clause. She didn't want her want her daughter who is 7 to know the truth. I just laughed it off. But I think she was really upset.
But I want him to know who buying the gifts that I work hard for too.
But I want him to know who buying the gifts that I work hard for too.