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I was just having that conversation with a co-worker yesterday....administration wants to know why nobody has signed up for the Christmas party....UMMM let's see...Gov of MD is giving us a freaking furlough...do I want to party NOT

The only people not being hurt are those with plenty of $$$...U-R-SO-RIGHT!!!!

The rich is always going to look out for their own -- whether that person is right or wrong -- they are looking at the bottom line and we need to start doing the same for ourselves. Employer/Employee loyalty went out of the window decades ago and that's due to companies moving jobs overseas.
I work for a credit card company here in MD and there's no telling what direction we will be going after the first of the year. Although I work the internal IT helpdesk -- that can be moved overseas too -- however, some of my co-workers are blindly believing that such a move will not happen but I do. I used to work for IBM -- so been there done that and notices the handwriting on the wall.
People who have been getting those monthly 5 and 6 figure incomes now understand the saying that all of us are one paycheck away from being homeless.

WTF...we are ALL feeling the state of the ecomomy...when can I get MY free $$$$$?????? **** my mortgage needs to be paid too...oh yeah that's right....I WORK MY ASS OFF TO PAY IT MYSELF

Ok...sorry...as you were please....
Uh, Treena?
What??????? LOL>
The Dow's gonna keep dropping for a while because people have no confidence in the Market.
The auto makers want a bailout, for sure, but its gonna be with concessions.
You ain't getting bailed out...get used to that fact. lol
And everyone in jail is "innocent". Even Orenthal James Simpson.
"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Plutach. Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.