Can you smoke after WLS???
Early symptoms:
Burning in upper right under breast when you eat something or drink something
Middle symptoms:
Early symptom plus PAIN in that area
Open ulcer symptom:
Vomiting after eating ~may see blood in vomit~
Purplish to red bowels
Cannot keep anything down
Bleeding internally ~bad~
Passing out
The bad thing about an ulcer is sometimes you will NOT have even ONE warning will just end up passing out ~look for signs of fainting when urinating...if you feel light-headed after you urinate...go to the ER~ and you won't know why for real, because you had no early symptoms....if you think you have an ulcer, request to be scoped...they can be controlled.
I knew this time b/c I had been stressed a lot....and anything I ate....I barfed....and had pain....I was taking prilosec otc and no help at my doc called me in some more asse still ain't doc today....go in on Thursday!
Burning in upper right under breast when you eat something or drink something
Middle symptoms:
Early symptom plus PAIN in that area
Open ulcer symptom:
Vomiting after eating ~may see blood in vomit~
Purplish to red bowels
Cannot keep anything down
Bleeding internally ~bad~
Passing out
The bad thing about an ulcer is sometimes you will NOT have even ONE warning will just end up passing out ~look for signs of fainting when urinating...if you feel light-headed after you urinate...go to the ER~ and you won't know why for real, because you had no early symptoms....if you think you have an ulcer, request to be scoped...they can be controlled.
I knew this time b/c I had been stressed a lot....and anything I ate....I barfed....and had pain....I was taking prilosec otc and no help at my doc called me in some more asse still ain't doc today....go in on Thursday!
I focus not on my disabilty; my focus is on my ABILITIES.
(Dedee, 2009)
My hearing impairment ENABLES me, not disables me.
(Dedee, 2008)
Dedee you are the one who told me not to drink....why oh why didn't I listen to you!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can remember it on this board like it was yesterday!
So glad to hear you are really gonna kick the cig habit!
I can remember it on this board like it was yesterday!
So glad to hear you are really gonna kick the cig habit!

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. - Oprah Winfrey
Well I know VERY well I shouldn't have ,but I had a very small amount of Merlot on the weekend after Thanksgiving. I was barely two weeks post-op and it didn't effect me. This past weekend I had like a few shots of Absolute and didn't have any problems. I know what the dietician and surgeon said about drinkin alcohol but damn, once I get in the atmosphere and start feeling that urge I gave in. My man didn't want me to do it cause he knows that I'm not supposed to and I don't plan to continue doing it but (and I'm not suggesting anyone else do it) I'm just saying that I had no problems. I guess I'm starting on the wrong path, but like I said I won't continue to do it. birthday is on the 7th and I will have a drink again. I also used to enjoy the herb but quit that in April because of course you can't have surgery if you smoke, I won't mess around with the smoke anymore cause I don't want to have ulcers. birthday is on the 7th and I will have a drink again. I also used to enjoy the herb but quit that in April because of course you can't have surgery if you smoke, I won't mess around with the smoke anymore cause I don't want to have ulcers.

Did they tell you it takes up to 6 months for you internal to HEAL....that it has been cut and is now only an operative ulcer (meaning they performed surgery on your stomach)....and drinking early out can erode and aggravate the ulcer causing it to increase and bleed.....causing severe health problems, and possibly DEATH! I mean really, it just ain't that serious people....I have almost DIED from a bleeding ulcer....bood count was 4.0 and still dropping....went into cardiac failure b/c I had no oxygen in my blood and my heart was working husband was told, "I had a slim chance, and would not make it through the night" The nurses called me their little miracle.....I had to have 3 blood count was still below I had to be scoped unmedicated b/c my heart was too weak for even a MILD sedative......that schitt was no fun!.......finally, the next transfusions started to raise my blood.
Leave the alchi alone until you are healed, Boo!
Leave the alchi alone until you are healed, Boo!
I focus not on my disabilty; my focus is on my ABILITIES.
(Dedee, 2009)
My hearing impairment ENABLES me, not disables me.
(Dedee, 2008)