Early Birthday Celebration
My surgery is tomorrow and my birthday is 12/12 . I'm going to miss my morning praise and worships - I getz down: music, dancing and singing. I'm sure once I am up and around they will resume. My guy (codename: Corny) decided to celebrate my bday early. I received several gifts, but the one that got me stirred up is the book "God's Words of Life for Women of Color". He knows about my morning alone time with God and he figured the book would allow me to continue my morning joy.
Other early gifts:
1. My family and friends (y'all too BAF!) giving my support that I so need right now.
2. The surgery...after three long years, it's now my season.
3. Corny - this man has been in my life for some time. He was the only guy who was supportive of my decision and for this I am now his.
4. Michelle J and Amanda P. I truly do believe God used OH as a vehicle to bring you ladies into my life. I lubs y'all to pieces and you are truly my friends.
So scoot the heck over, Juanita is on her way to the losers bench!