Family in need. PLEASE HELP
Hello BAF,
I come to the board asking for help. On November 6 CPS removed my sisters 4 children from her home. Since that time, I have been training to become a Kinship Foster (jumping through HOOPS) parent for my niece and nephews. Because this is family I have to fight for the state to help with the cost of raising the kids. The reason that I am coming to you is because I need FUNDS (just to get approved). I know that the economy is ruff and prices are high. But if you could find it in your heart to help me, help these children I will appreciate it GREATLY. The kids are ages 4 ½, 3 ½, 1 ½ and 7 months. The state requires that each child have there own bed, which I am looking to get a set of bunk beds (with bedding), a toddler bed and a crib (bedding), formula and other items needed.
I also am required to get smoke detectors (I have 2 need 2 more), fire Extinguishers (have one need one more) and wall sockets for all plugs (need 36 @ $3 each).
PLEASE help. I am not one to come to BAF with my business, but my OPTIONS are running out.
With Christmas right around the corner, I only want for my sisters kids to have the family that they are suppose to have.
I am not asking for gifts and toys I am asking for help to give theses kids FAMILY.
I do have a paypal account ([email protected]) if anyone is interested in helping.
Thanks in advance for anything that you can give.
I didn’t spell check, because my headache wouldn’t allow it. Lol
Thanks Family.
Tonya and kids.
I was in the same situation as you a few years ago and the state actually helped me find resources to get the things you are in need of. So keep search there are resources out there that will assist in providing these things for you to become a kinship foster parent. I am a witness to it. Most states are backed up with foster children so they will assist in placement. Keep trying to find that right person that can direct you to the resources available that is what I had to do. I hope it all works out for you. I will keep you in prayer.
God Bless.
I have calls out to Churches, businesses and family. But EVERYONE seems to busy to return calls. WOW, unbelievable.
If I learn nothing else from this experience, SAVE, SAVE and SAVE some more. Because you never know what will happen next.

Thanks for the headsup. I wouldnt wish this situation on anyone. SCAM, if you could see my hair and the rings around my eyes, lol. You would say HOW MUCH DOES SHE NEED. lol
I am not one to easily ask for help, but because time is running short for the inspection, a sister has to do, what a sister has to do.
And thanks for the concern.
We got rules and schitt
Tee, I have a dayum crib in my basement, but I can't send it out to get there before Tuesday ~sigh~
Try your local may want to hit MizD up on PM to see if she still has her crib.
I focus not on my disabilty; my focus is on my ABILITIES.
(Dedee, 2009)
My hearing impairment ENABLES me, not disables me.
(Dedee, 2008)
Do not take this the wrong way but I do not care if she has been on BAF all her life, that is the reality of it, especially this time of year...I never said she was a scam but that some people are kind of weary of things, as they should be...And please speak for yourself...Her situation is very genuine to me because I know where she is coming from...I am going through my own trials and tribulations.

No offense to you was in my post....and I have walked in her shoes...TWICE!
I have had 2 nephews and niece that was in the system and we had to get custody of---so, I, too, feel her pain.
I focus not on my disabilty; my focus is on my ABILITIES.
(Dedee, 2009)
My hearing impairment ENABLES me, not disables me.
(Dedee, 2008)