Why are people so damn ungrateful!?!?!?!
Let me just start by saying I may be a little super-sensitive today. I heard Monday that my company is outsourcing the department, they are keeping 5 audit positions here, and that we having to interview to keep a position. I interviewed today and things are looking good for me but I just had some ungrateful ass encounters after my interview that have me hot...
1) One of the ladies on my team who is really good but does not have the BEST communication skills is having a hard time getting ready for the interview. So I gave her a book on interview prep that I had. SHE DIDN'T SAY THANK YOU!!!
Biotch I did you a favor and instead of sitting your ass down somewhere you got to be telling every damn body!!!!
3) [unrelated to work] My sister is having a hard time financially. I brought my niece school clothes, winter clothes and a new coat. I gave her son some of my kids old clothes because he is a year younger than my youngest, and included a gently used coat from Old Navy (perfect condition). This biotch asked me why do I always buy the best for my niece, but give her son hand me downs. Ummm lets see cause my niece is a size 7 and can't fit my old shiot. If she could her ass would get hand me downs too. And I don't have to give you a damn thing
I don't know if its **** on Brenda week, or if I am taking things hard because I am so stressed being a single parent. But why are mofos so damn ungrateful.
1) One of the ladies on my team who is really good but does not have the BEST communication skills is having a hard time getting ready for the interview. So I gave her a book on interview prep that I had. SHE DIDN'T SAY THANK YOU!!!

3) [unrelated to work] My sister is having a hard time financially. I brought my niece school clothes, winter clothes and a new coat. I gave her son some of my kids old clothes because he is a year younger than my youngest, and included a gently used coat from Old Navy (perfect condition). This biotch asked me why do I always buy the best for my niece, but give her son hand me downs. Ummm lets see cause my niece is a size 7 and can't fit my old shiot. If she could her ass would get hand me downs too. And I don't have to give you a damn thing
I don't know if its **** on Brenda week, or if I am taking things hard because I am so stressed being a single parent. But why are mofos so damn ungrateful.
Working on me - want to be better in everyway not just physically!!! Its a process no time to judge or be judged!!!!

Wow - you having a day for REAL!!!! Well -
1 - you learned NOT to help your 'fellow' man - especially a mofo that could be your competition. i will TRIP my fellow man before I lend a hand.....
2 - broke mofos are always picky mofos..... my BF needed a cell phone and had the NERVE to suggest a $150 model over the $49 with rebate..... WHATEVER DUDE!!!!
So - blow that shiot off and don't repeat it - and oh yea - have a BIG AZZ DRINK to calm yourself down.....
**side note** um - don't you wish you had let Mr. Big dude pay them bills now??? I'm just sayin..... THIS is the reason why bitoches let mofos do shiot like dat...... ok - I'm gone!!!! LOL
1 - you learned NOT to help your 'fellow' man - especially a mofo that could be your competition. i will TRIP my fellow man before I lend a hand.....
2 - broke mofos are always picky mofos..... my BF needed a cell phone and had the NERVE to suggest a $150 model over the $49 with rebate..... WHATEVER DUDE!!!!
So - blow that shiot off and don't repeat it - and oh yea - have a BIG AZZ DRINK to calm yourself down.....
**side note** um - don't you wish you had let Mr. Big dude pay them bills now??? I'm just sayin..... THIS is the reason why bitoches let mofos do shiot like dat...... ok - I'm gone!!!! LOL
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
You are right about that. Try to help a mutha fukka out and you end up regretting it!!!!
My sister though, I don't know why she doesn't see that I don't HAVE to do things for her, I do them out of the kindness of my heart.
You know I wish I woulda took that fool money. I might have to turn my house into a brothel "Brenda's house of ill repute" But you can't sell pu nanna cuz too many hoes giving it away free...LOL
My sister though, I don't know why she doesn't see that I don't HAVE to do things for her, I do them out of the kindness of my heart.
You know I wish I woulda took that fool money. I might have to turn my house into a brothel "Brenda's house of ill repute" But you can't sell pu nanna cuz too many hoes giving it away free...LOL
Working on me - want to be better in everyway not just physically!!! Its a process no time to judge or be judged!!!!

Your sister is under the misguided impression that what's yours is hers and likewise.... mofos who don't have shiot ALWAYS think this way! LOL
Oh - you can SELL it - just marketing it is harder these days.... LMAO!!!
Oh - you can SELL it - just marketing it is harder these days.... LMAO!!!
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
Thanks beautiful. I appreciate the love. In my heart I feel the job thing will work out because I have had a wonderful history here and a good track record, but I hate the process. I just know that I am so grateful for everything I get and have, I don't see how people can just disregard your kindness and take it for granted.
Working on me - want to be better in everyway not just physically!!! Its a process no time to judge or be judged!!!!