When did you go back 2 work
After WLS...I advised my boss that I would be out 6-8 weeks because my surgery is open...My date is 12/15 and looking to go back no later than 2/9...I am in no rush and I know that everybody is different but I would like to get back ASAP. I am an Underwriter and do nothing strenuous.
When did you go back and how did you feel?
When did you go back and how did you feel?

Hey, I can't beleive I'm still up, it's way passed my bed time. LOL.
I had open RNY and felt well enough to go back to work in two weeks. However, I wanted to give myself time to adjust to my new eating habits, so I went back after 4 weeks.
I had open RNY and felt well enough to go back to work in two weeks. However, I wanted to give myself time to adjust to my new eating habits, so I went back after 4 weeks.
I had laproscopic RNY - went back after 4 weeks - coulda gone back at 2 - only went back cause my $$ ran out.....
i say take ALL you can get away with!!!!!!
Oh yea - I felt just fine when I went back! LOL - I'm just a mofo that likes to get a check WITHOUT working for it!!!!!
(yes TAW1975 - very REPUBLICAN of me, I know!!!!lol)
i say take ALL you can get away with!!!!!!
Oh yea - I felt just fine when I went back! LOL - I'm just a mofo that likes to get a check WITHOUT working for it!!!!!
(yes TAW1975 - very REPUBLICAN of me, I know!!!!lol)
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
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2 weeks..wow...My manager probably was looking at me like I was crazy when I said 6-8 weeks... I thought I would be gone for like 2 months and hop back on the scene looking fierce..lol.. I have not touched my make-up bagin a month and have not worn my hazel contacts in 6 weeks and my hair has been so so...I thought I would go back like a completely different woman..lol.. I may work from home after 4 weeks because I am on the 3rd floor...

I thought 4 weeks would be plenty for laporascopic (hope that's spelled right), but I have had a minor complication every week so far so I am taking an extra week. I teach the kids who get kicked out so I gotta be on my most alert. I wish I was like Mack Momma-i been struggling some days boy! Friday they check for a stricture. I still wouldn't change my decision to have the surgery.

I had Lap-Band surgery. I had the surgery on a Wednesday and I went back to work the following Monday and I felt fine.
People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown