How do you look sexy?(need advice)
Guess yours is more PETA friendly...........

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
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People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at:
Now - every chick got a part of their body that they KNOW is off tha hook. Legs, Ass, breasts, arms - SOMETHING. For me - it's my legs. So, I show them off in what I wear. Fitted pants/jeans and now more dresses/skirts. You have to find a look/style that makes you feel good in your head, cause like inspire said - you have to EXUDE sexy and you can't do it if you don't FEEL it - so pick some time to spend some SERIOUS time in the mall!!! I had to do the exact same thing - especially for my makeup!!!! Went to the MAC counter and got my face BEAT!!! LOL I had to 'teach' myself what to look for and what truly looked good on ME.
Aiight youngblood - go forth and become FIERCE!!!!!! lol
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at:

Thanks Mack Mama!
Hint - New York and Co has some GREAT pants for tall folk! I think you might fall in love with the city stretch and fit n flare - check em out!!!
Warning: #1 Mack Mamma will NOT be held liable for the $$ you spend excessively and compulsively once you discover the wonders of New York and Co - she is currently in counsel talks to sue DeDee AZZ for the same shiot...... They are the DEVIL!!!! But DAMN you be lookin good than a mofo!!!!!

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at:
I LOVE NY and Co!!! I'm just having to be real concious because I THOUGHT I had plateaued 2 months ago bought all 14's and now your girls in a size 10.