It could only happen to me....

" I'm Motown's Finest and I approve this message"

This is HIGHLY unethical and yes, you need to report him. Do not go back and see him either and do not answer his calls. I cannot believe he had the nerve to ask for your number, let alone call you. I like you too, but that is just crazy!
You can't keep it a patient/Dr. relationship if he is calling you at 2am. There is nothing professinal about that. I wish you had not given him the number. He needs help, seriously! I am guessing the man is seriously depressed, which is sad and I feel for him, but this behavior is unethical and unacceptable.
You life never ceases to amaze me
Hey Twin,
I called the receptionist and she said he is very weird and they hate him there, because he don't seem like he is a real dr. He has a I don't care attitude.. but as I was talking to him last nite he told me he can't stand the gurls in the office.. I asked him last night how long has he been a dr. He said since 1987 but, he hasn't done well enough to have his own office.. So he came up here from Texas hoping that he would get a job in one of the many hospitals we have here, but he said he hasn't had any luck..He said his wife cleaned him out with the divorce, and he hopes he land a full time job in one of the hospitals.... Being away from her and the kids was his main focus..
" I'm Motown's Finest and I approve this message"

" I'm Motown's Finest and I approve this message"

I just got off the phone with the State of Texas, the lady told me he has no criminal background, and he hasn't had any investigations and he is licensed... In her words he is good to go..

" I'm Motown's Finest and I approve this message"

Um - you gon need a report, in case this mofo turns truly crazy!!!
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" I'm Motown's Finest and I approve this message"

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: