It could only happen to me....

Motown's Finest
on 12/3/08 2:03 am, edited 12/3/08 2:29 am - MI
I loved my dr. with all my heart and he has moved to Ann Arbor which is 45 miles from me... So there is another dr. in his office that is replacing him... Here's the shyte that went down with him on Friday which is bugging the hell out of me... He came here from Texas... he told me and he is going through a divorce which has him depressed..  I'm sitting in my room and I asked him are you going to check my blood pressure.. He said no I'm just going to write you a script like your dr. did..... I told him but my dr. always check my sugar and blood pressure.. He said  well let me get the MA to take your blood pressure and sugar... I told him that I have been trying to walk on my treadmill but my left knee pains me a lot when I try to walk...He said put on a gown and i will look at it...He rubbed on my leg for about 15 minutes...I'm thinking this m/f is getting off on my leg.. Well yesterday he called me and said he wants to give me his cell number so I can call him anytime I like... I wrote it down and I'm stunned, so by the end of our conversation one hour later, he asked me if I had a cell phone I said yes...He said give  me  your number so I will be able to reach you anytime.. I gave it to him, but something is not rt. with this m/f dr.  Well late last night about 2 am this dr. calls me and wants to pour his heart out to me..I don't know what to say... He said I like you a lot Joyce, I really do.. I said I don't want a relationship with you, can we just keep it on a dr. patient relationship.....He said there is something  about you that I like..  He's a big white guy, and he's not attractive at all... He talks real slow as if to sound sexy.. So I called my other dr. and I told him what has transpired the last couple of days.. He said that I should report him.. and just drive to Ann Arbor to see him....He said he will call him also...Now I'm scared because he has access to my records so he will know where I live.. I gave him my cell number also.. What the hell have I gotten myself into.....How would you handle this??? This chick is scared as hell..Because something is not rt. with this Dr.. 
"Criticism like rain should be gentle enough to nourish man"      
" I'm Motown's Finest and I approve this message"   
(deactivated member)
on 12/3/08 2:24 am - Toledo, OH
Dayum, always manage to get yourself in some sort of trouble lol

This is HIGHLY unethical and yes, you need to report him.  Do not go back and see him either and do not answer his calls.  I cannot believe he had the nerve to ask for your number, let alone call you. I like you too, but that is just crazy!  

You can't keep it a patient/Dr. relationship if he is calling you at 2am.  There is nothing professinal about that.  I wish you had not given him the number.  He needs help, seriously!  I am guessing the man is seriously depressed, which is sad and I feel for him, but this behavior is unethical and unacceptable.  

You life never ceases to amaze me 

Motown's Finest
on 12/3/08 2:37 am - MI

Hey Twin, 
I called the receptionist  and she said he is very weird and they hate him there, because he don't seem like he is a real dr. He has a  I don't care attitude.. but as  I was talking to him last nite he told me he can't stand the gurls in the office.. I asked him last night how long has he been a dr. He said since 1987 but, he hasn't done well enough to have his own office.. So he came up here from Texas hoping that he would get a job in one of the many hospitals we have here, but he said he hasn't had any luck..He said his wife cleaned him out with the divorce, and he hopes he land a full time job in one of the hospitals.... Being away from her and the kids was his main focus..  

"Criticism like rain should be gentle enough to nourish man"      
" I'm Motown's Finest and I approve this message"   
(deactivated member)
on 12/3/08 2:42 am - Toledo, OH
 Well pulling this crap will cost him his license.  He wants a job in a hospital, but if he is doing this he will ruin his career.  I am not surprised he is having a tough time finding a job.  Who wants a nut case and a liability.  I am guessing this is not the first time for him to behave inappropriately.  

Motown's Finest
on 12/3/08 2:47 am - MI
I was thinking the same thing last night...Something is fishy with him, other than the depression.. I'm going to report him because I'm kind of scared...but I have his cell phone number for proof...
"Criticism like rain should be gentle enough to nourish man"      
" I'm Motown's Finest and I approve this message"   
(deactivated member)
on 12/3/08 2:53 am - Toledo, OH
 I am relieved to hear that you are going to report him.  There is seriously something wrong here.  
Motown's Finest
on 12/3/08 3:55 am - MI
Thanks Twin,
I just got off the phone with the State of Texas, the lady told me he has no criminal background, and he hasn't had any investigations and he is licensed... In her words he is good to go.. I wonder if he is who he say he is..because I just know he has a screw loose... He copied every script I ever had and gave it to me to get it filled.... She asked me why is he working in Michigan..I told her I was wishing you could answer that for me..
"Criticism like rain should be gentle enough to nourish man"      
" I'm Motown's Finest and I approve this message"   
on 12/3/08 2:35 am
Ok - I am officially OK with the crazy things that happen to me like the Wendy's story and the CT issue.... cause YO stuff is EXTRA for real!!!!!

Um - you gon need a report, in case this mofo turns truly crazy!!! 

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Motown's Finest
on 12/3/08 2:43 am - MI
I'm scared Trina, I tried to keep a level head with him as far as the depression went...but he seemed like a con man or a fruitcake.. He was trying to reel me in, but the red flags kept popping up...I'm thinking maybe he has lost his license in Texas and trying to sneak into Michigan and start over.. I can honestly say I can understand why she wanted the divorce because, he just don't have any of the "it" factor.. He kept saying I am so glad you came into my life, and you are a very nice person...
"Criticism like rain should be gentle enough to nourish man"      
" I'm Motown's Finest and I approve this message"   
on 12/3/08 2:45 am
Yea - you need a police or some report with your and his name in it - cause when he kidnaps and bar-b-ques your azz - police won't have to spend a lot of time figuring out who done it.......

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

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