OT: Profanity.....a poll
i use profanity way too often. im a teacher and dont use profanity with my students (unless im havin a private chat w/o any witnesses), but any other time its horrible. im trying to change my filthy mouth...i say negroes instead of *****i say freakin instead of ******thats the best i can do now...im working on myself...i think of the scripture "how can fresh water and sal****er come from the same sistronk?" that's what im focussing on to help me with my disgusting tongue...cussing just sounds soooo much better though...help...pray...
Seek Heaven
Gurllllll....all I could think when I read your post is that I bet you have thought, "You little bad mutha******"...many times during your day at work! I give you teachers a lot of credit....especially the ones that can keep their decorum despite the fact that some kids are pushing buttons left and right. I was not totally surprised when I saw that one teacher beat that one kid down. Its was not right but I imagine....its enough to make you want to snap most days. Hang in there gurl....I am praying for ya.