Blackdynasty....We Are Glad You are Back But........
I understand where you're coming from Rev and it's not wrong for you to speak your heart...I just think it shouldn't have been any of the rest of BAF's business to know you were sharing a heartfelt word with her. Everybody here on BAF are not christians and in order to draw those to Christ must be done in "love and kindness"...not that either of those were'nt present but I know God does things decent and in order.
Rev B
I have nothing but respect for you either....but.....these pics were posted on her personal profile. She did not post them on the board.
I am not here to judge whether the pics are disrespectful or not, I just feel that what she puts on HER profile is her business.
Just the fact that we are even discussing this.....without her even being online, shows that this should have been brought to her attention on the BL.
The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. - Oprah Winfrey
BUT Kim...she did make a post and more or less 'invite' folks to check out the profile pics. Just sayin'...
I remember not too long back, someone made a post on here about someone on OH who doesn't even post here. This person has lost about 300 pounds with a large amount of excess skin (obviously). There was a link to her profile and a comment along the line of "Thank God I don't look like this." Or something similar. My point being, no one here took issue with THAT post. What is the difference, when you get right down to it?
Yes, she did invite folks to view them on her profile....and she will probably love this attention too. LOL beef is with the way it was done. Trying to hide the true intent. She knew EXACTLY what she was doing, knowing that BlkDynasty doesn't even log on during the day.
I'm going to leave it alone....but for the record, on that other post you are referring to, I did take offense then too....I just didn't say anything.
I probably wouldn't have said anything regarding this one either, it's just that this adds to the 'all to familiar' pattern. Playing dumb and backhand disses
The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. - Oprah Winfrey