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on 6/3/11 7:29 am
Topic: DS Friendly PCP in AZ?
Hello fellow heat survivors!  Did you hear it's supposed to be 107 on Sunday?? ugh.

Anyway- I am having the DS on August 1st but I need an updated referral letter from a PCP.  My PCP doesn't know anything about WLS and he's always in France on vacation, so I've decided to shop around for a new one.   It would be great if anyone has one who knows SOMETHING about the DS, but I would take one who has any WLS experience.  I live in the Chandler area, so someone around there would be awesome.

Thanks in advance for any help :)  I'm also posting this on the DS forum.
on 6/3/11 6:21 am
Topic: RE: Newbie that needs advice
Hello :) and welcome to the world of WLS.

I had Dr. Blackstone when I got my lap-band.  She is a very skilled surgeon and I like her a lot.  The lap-band did not work for me at all, but I don't blame that on her in any way.  I am getting my band taken out and I am revising to the DS.  If you check out the revision board on here you'll find that MOST people are switching to the DS from both lap-band and gastric bypass, but you won't find any DS's switching to anything else.  The DS is the most aggressive WLS you can get, it works fast and has a MUCH lower failure rate than the RNY (40% and up with the RNY, 3% with the DS).  I am not starting a surgery war...I believe each surgery is good for different people and their goals.  Dr. Blackstone has recently (November '10) been trained to do the DS and has done a few of them.  I believe she is very skilled and would do a fine job.  I'm going through a different surgeon because of surgery scheduling conflicts. 

Please feel free to PM me if you want to know more about my experience, or check out  my blog.  My experience is not everyone's though... so only take it for what it is.  The biggest choice between the RNY and the DS is you need something to help you stay on a diet?? Then get the RNY.  Do you need something that allows you to eat normal sized portions (after about a year, year and a half) and normal foods and still not gain weight?  Then get the DS. 

Whatever you do---RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH!!!  Don't get a surgery until you know everything about all of your options!  That's the mistake I made.

I also have BC/BS of AZ and my insurance plan did cover WLS :)

Good luck!
on 6/2/11 10:00 am - Peoria, AZ
Topic: RE: I must be blind?
On May 6, 2011 at 7:58 PM Pacific Time, StillHopefulinAZ wrote:
heh!  didnt know there was a way to add forums to your profile!  guess I will be waiting for a reply too. 

Tolleson here!
Go Wolverines!
on 5/30/11 11:12 pm - mesa, AZ
Topic: RE: Newbie

            After my surgery with her -- I never saw her again as a patient.. all my follow up was with her  staff and Randy   her  Nurse practioner   was awesome!!

GinaU aka Jeanna 
 RNY revised  to Extended RNY 5/2008
Total loss 181 and counting 

on 5/30/11 12:08 pm - mesa, AZ
Topic: RE: Newbie
Best Advice -- Journal your story !! you have so many wonderful changes ahead of you!  and make sure to go to the support groups..  be open minded and not everyone has the same expierience - some are so much better than others..

Your new life awaits you ...

p.s. - Dr Blackstone is good .. and now we have a lot of other wonderful Dr's in town these days ..
and the program is what adds to your success -- Warning >>> you wont see her much after your  surgery...

GinaU aka Jeanna 
 RNY revised  to Extended RNY 5/2008
Total loss 181 and counting 

on 5/27/11 7:21 am - AZ
Topic: RE: I'm new here & looking for patients of Dr. Blackstone
Hey just wanted to let you know if you are on Facebook I created a page for patients of Dr Blackstone. I look high and low for one and there wasn't one. So I thought I would give it a shot.
Not goin down with outa fight!     
on 5/26/11 9:12 am - AZ
Topic: RE: DS'ers in AZ?
 Well, He did mine and My Mom's.  I think he's pretty new, He had Dr. Husted assist.  
After fighting Ins. cos for almost 20 years... I'm so glad to finally say, I've had my surgery! Even if I had to self pay.  :)  
Join us here ~~❁~Ginger~~~
The beginning of a whole new world.              
   SW-417    CW-162  GW-175            
on 5/14/11 7:38 am - AZ
Topic: RE: Newbie
 Thank you soooo much for the encouragement.  I do know its going to be so worth it!  
on 5/14/11 7:35 am - AZ
Topic: RE: Newbie
 Hi Kim!  I actually love Dr Blackstone.  I had my pre-op with her a couple of weeks ago and I thought she was great.  You can tell she really loves what she does and her goal is to help people.  To my that speaks volumes.  Been in the health care industry for 16 yrs and have seen many doctors who are in it just for the $$$$.  I didn't feel that way with her at all, and her staff has been great.  Good luck to you,  when is you surgery scheduled for?
on 5/13/11 10:34 am
Topic: RE: Newbie
Congratulations!  Just hang on and enjoy the ride.  You aren't burying your head in the sand - you chose a great facility and a great doc.  Her old partner did my surgery and everything has been flawless and actually pretty easy.  Now is the hard part - those last few pounds.  The first 100 were a breeze.

Yes, you will hate SF jello after the next few weeks, but oh well.  Everything you will be going through (which really is minimal if you follow the rules that they give you) is SOOOO worth it - at least in my experience.

No regrets! 
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