Well sort of. The braiatric center is still waiting for some paperwork from a dr's office here in Sierra Vista that was supposed to have been faxed a week and a hal*****hey said they MAILED it this morning..grrrrrrrrr! But, Noreen at the Scottsdale Bariatric Center penciled me in for June 8th. OMG!!! It's finally becoming real. I have a bazillion appointments to go to between now and then...gall bladder ultrasound, ekg, pulmonary clearance, meeting 2 more times with the dietician, etc..etc..etc. May is going to be a busy month.
I am so excited!
Hi Judy,:wave:
Congradulations:jump::jump::clap::clap::party::party:You are totally on your way girlfriend!! It's weird how every surgeon's program is different. I had Dr. Fang, and I had to get all my clearances done before It could be sent in to the insurance company and sit on pins and needles for a month after that. I am so happy for you!:dance::dance::dance::dance: You are definately gonna need the month of May to get your mind wrapped around this whole deal!!:thumbsup: