Pre-op food problems

on 4/21/06 6:01 am - KY
Oh good golly gracious. I'm just so upset I could fume. I've been a very good girl waiting to talk to my doc and all the other stuff. Then all of a sudden I start having problems. I'd given up almost all sugars (I'm pre-diabetic, I didn't want to risk it) and was exercising for at least a few minutes every day. I was working up to the healthy lifestyle I'll need post op. then about two weeks ago I started being naughty. Snacking, extra calories, and SUGAR. A little chocolate here, a little cola there.. and 15 pounds fell back onto my heavy frame. I know in part It's that fear of the surgery. It's probably also that nagging little voice telling me to eat it now.. or I'll regret it. Gurr. Just need to be good! Anyone have advice for the hungry pre-op?
on 4/21/06 6:09 am - Mesa, AZ
Hey Amber! Sorry no advice here.... becasue I am right there with you!!! LOL I am eating more than usual and I think it is because my surgery is only a month away.... I am going to start my practices of chewing and taking 1/2 hour to eat like ASAP... as well as go back to the Lean Cusine's I normally eat for lunch instead of the grill we have downstairs at work!!! But I can't promise I won't get some last minute splurges in..... oh that is sooo bad! Jinn
on 4/21/06 6:27 am - Chandler, AZ
Hi Amber, I'm there with you! I tried to loose some weight pre-op even though it wasn't required by my insurance co. or Doc. It was so hard. I mean, I've done diets didn't's easy to say with regular diets,"Oh nobody will see me eat this mini snickers candy...after all..I AM still doing better than I did before" Well, let me tell ya..after your surgery, you'll feel full, and you won't be able to imagine how you ate all that "crap" before. It won't be overnight..but you will look at people eating in a new way. I don't remember if I posted this on this board or another..but about 4 weeks post-op, I went to Costco with my son and my sister. As we were checking out..I glanced at the menu of the snack bar and just started crying non-stop. I wasn't hungry just was a habit that I always had the hot dog special..and I knew that it would make me sick to have it. As I'm crying, I look around and see soooo many people just stuffing food in their mouth. I mean...goobs and goobs of was sickening to me. All I could think was..that was me 4 weeks ago!!! I don't ever want the food to become a comfort or a habit again..after all..that's how I ballooned up to 343 in the first place. I don't know if this insight will help you at this point on your journey...but I sure hope that post-op you'll realize that you've got a whole new bunch of food demons and issues. Don't let me scare ya! This demons are much more manageable..don't want the old ones back! You are on your way missy, don't worry..your day is comin'!! hugs, Ginger
on 4/21/06 7:47 am - Tucson, AZ
I'm so right there. I just got my date a few days ago. May 30 @ 7:30 with Dr Burpee. I'm trying to lose 30 pounds before surgery cuz I heard that it will make it safer and easier for the surgeon. I don't want to have the "Last Supper" mentality, but it seems all of the things I won't ever eat again are calling to me. So I have already started High Protein (some of the shakes are gross) and tryed to stay away from the bad things. Are you going to the Pot-Luck/Swim party tomorrow? Christi Mattson [email protected] 5/30/06 RNY Lap with Dr Burpee
Sandy in Tucson
on 4/21/06 11:22 am - Tucson, AZ
I was you basically before surgery...I had no control. I woke up from surgery telling myself I had to get control. And I did get control. The surgery makes you eat alot less...but I am the one who controls the food. Weight loss surgery is not given for weight loss. And keeping it off is not a is hard -hard work. I know several people who have not done well with the surgery...they just never lost much weight and now are regaining it back. Yes, you can beat this surgery. I would advise you if you have the surgery to do everything the doc' say to it or not most protein drinks are not that good. But, protein drinks are necessary. Alot of things with the surgery is real hard and you will hate it but what can I say except the surgery is no piece of cake. If you have trigger foods do not buy them....stop bringing them into the house. Right now. You got to be in control. I rid my house of everything before surgery and not one time have I been tempted since surgery to buy the wrong things. My opinion. This is no game for me....I am going to keep the weight off. Sandy in Tucson 178 lbs down 347/169/150 55 yrs old 5'5"
on 4/21/06 2:34 pm - Yuma, AZ
I can totally relate. BUT, You really have to try to get to get in control. I know that it is hard. But instead of thinking "I have to eat this now because I won't be able to have it anymore" just think that you will have it again one day. I know this is easier said than done because I have been there. But doing the exercise now will help you so much with your recovery (Before surgery I started walking a mile a day. About 4 hours after surgery I got up and started walking laps around the entire floor. Most others were only walking anywhere from 1/2 - 2 laps when I was walking 6-8 laps every hour (I contribute this success to the exercise I was doing before the surgery.) Losing some weight before the surgery helps the surgery go along smoother. By losing some weight shrinks & lightens the liver making it easier to access your stomach and prevents complications. Practing good habits now will make it easier to do them after surgery. I was so glad that I started training myself before surgery because I think that it made it so much easier to deal with afterwards. After surgery you will have so much more to worry about and it will make it 1 less thing to worry about. I hope this helps. Good luck to all of you pre-ops. Kristin (Surgery date: 1/17/06) 350/270/150
on 4/21/06 4:30 pm - On the coast of somewhere beautiful
Kristin - I TOTALLY agree! Dr. Kieran at SBC did my surgery. I too was doing many more laps than others post-op and I attribute that to my exercise and diet pre-op. Dr. Kieran said that my liver had shrunk so much that the surgery was a breeze! I was SO happy to hear that. I lost 18 pounds in the 2 months pre-op because I didn't want to disappoint her and I wanted the surgery to be safer for me. Amber - I realize how difficult it is to want to eat everything in sight at this time. Please try to control it the best that you can. It will make the surgery much easier on you and you will feel so much better post-op, trust me. And it is true what Ginger said-- You will look at people post-op and you will be sickened when you see them shoveling food into their mouths. Tonight I went and had my first meal in a "restaurant". We went to Chick-Fil-A and I got the grilled chicken breast. My husband got the fried chicken sandwich with the biggest order of waffle fries they make and I was sickened when I watched him eat all of this. He knew something was wrong and he asked me and I told him that it was literally making me sick watching him eat like that. Then I remembered that less than a few months ago that was me. And then it really made me sick. Anyway - just try to do your best. If you start new habits now, it will make it so much easier on you post-op. Good Luck to you! Joanne
on 4/25/06 4:33 am - KY
Thank you ladies. I'm back on my feet today. Been eating smart again, threw out all the snacks I'd gotten for my kids, but I was dipping into. They certainly don't need the sugar, and I MOST certainly don't need that stuff mumbling my name in the midnight hours. The exercise routine is falling back into place. I appriciate the support.
Linda Ton
on 4/27/06 7:47 am - Pontiac, MI
Hi Debra I figured everyone was just posting on their state boards . I am glad to hear you are doing so good. I looked at your photobucket pics and you have done so well!! I'm glad to hear you are looking into the plastics now. I too am about to look into it. This journey has been awesome! I too get dizzy and the shakes, even when i'm sitting. I have found one good solution. I buy the tropicana light and healthy orange juice, it has less sugar than any i've found, but still has some. If you drink a glass of this over about 15 minutes, You'll feel so much better. I know the feeling of when you try to get it up quickly too, i hate it. Anyway, thanks for letting us know how you are, hope to hear more from you. Hugs Linda
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