Insurance changing to UHC

(deactivated member)
on 4/17/06 7:25 am - Phoenix, AZ
AAAAgggghhhh!!! Just found out my employer is changing from BCBS to UHC....please please please...does anyone have UHC, and are they bariatric friendly? Ive definitely got to find a new job - our benefits keep decreasing every year, we are taking home less every year due to ins premium increases and little to none raises! Gosh I hate Mondays! AAAggghhhhh!!! LOL
Sandy in Tucson
on 4/17/06 8:25 am - Tucson, AZ
It is not the Ins company but what policy your employer purchases from UHC. My employer got cheap when they moved from Pacific Care to UHC, 7/1/04. It is not UHC's fault. My employer, TUSD, did not want to pay for weight loss surgery anymore so when they made the change no more surgery no matter if you are going to die. I was the last person to get surgery with my employer bec I already had the ok under Pacific Care before the change over July 1, 2004. My 3 friends who work with me, have now all been self pays with Dr. Fang in Phx.....UHC would not pay bec TUSD said NO.......with a tight-tight exclusion. All are happy they spent the $ regrets. All at goal, too bec they had to spend their $ to get the weight off. I have seen more success rate on self-pays than when the ins pays. People try harder in the weight loss over-all bec it was their $ that pd for surgery. MY observations!!!!!! Sandy in Tucson 347/169/150
Sandy in Tucson
on 4/17/06 8:32 am - Tucson, AZ
By the way.....all insurances are getting more-more expensive with higher-higher co-pays. Join the crowd. I hope you find the new job. I am 2 yrs from full retirement with a state can not change jobs been there 21 years now. I work with the school dist in Tucson. I am thinking of Dr. Fuentes in TJ to start my plastics soon bec of no PS coverage with the school dist. I just know that I would of sold my house knowing what I know now on how much better I feel and paid for the surgery out right. Money does not help you much when you were as sick I was carrying 200 extra lbs around. Sandy
on 4/17/06 2:19 pm - Layton, UT
Sandy, Do you mind sharing your reason for selecting Dr. Fuentes? Is he a better price than others? And/or has he done some of your friends who have liked him? And/or has he done very many post-op WLS folks? I've gone to consults in Tucson with John Collins and Gwen Maxwell as well as a few in Phoenix. I've done the internet consult with a P.S. in Costa Rica. I"m kind of doing overkill in the research and need to just toss a dart or somethng and decide. ....I've had some bad surgery experiences and am pannick attacks when I get closet o choosing a date....."a couch issue" I need to take care of I suppose! LOL! Anyway...if you don't mind sharing with me, I'd really really appreciate your info! Thanks! Joyce [email protected]
Darlene X
on 4/17/06 8:59 am - Maricopa, AZ
UHC is the BEST insurance company for WLS *IF* your company doesn't exclude surgery from your policy. Like Sandy said above, its your employer that determines whether WLS is gonna be covered. If it is, UHC is awesome... no diet history, no proof of 5 yrs Obesity... Just need BMI of 40+ or a BMI of 35+ with 2 co-morbs. Very simple, very quick--- Hubby and I were both approved in 7 days...
(deactivated member)
on 4/17/06 9:09 am - Phoenix, AZ
Thanks you 2! I just hope this UHC policy covers me 'post op' - Im almost 10 months post-op and still have been going monthly for the followup visits. I hope Scottsdale Bariatrics is with this plan. Oh use stressing anymore over this - we will have our insurance presentation next week - theres going to be alot of unhappy people there! Sandy - I also work for a school district (here in Phoenix) - I wont have my 80 points until 2019...there is no way I am going to last! LOL 8 years has been long enough - time to take my 'new' body and find a 'new' career! Take care Sandy & Darlene - thanks for posting!
Courtney G.
on 4/17/06 3:00 pm - Scottsdale, AZ
I have uhc (choice plus) I do need documentation of 5 yrs of morbid obesity. I also need a bmi of 40+ and at least 21yrs old.. I have two out of the three. I don't really have the 5 yr proof because I wasnt really going to the dr for anything 5 yrs ago.. My dr did write me letter saying I have been morbidly obese for the last 5 1/2 yrs/... I hope that works as documentation... Anybody know if that will be ok?
on 4/17/06 2:10 pm - Layton, UT
Hey Jessica, While working in Bariatrics, I found that UHC was actually very WLS friendly. In fact, unless they have a direct employer exclusion (check your policy); I'm sure they are even better than BCBS for approval. Good luck! My DH just got a new job with UHC as well and the premiums are huge compared to our old BCBS! ....But, maybe (crossing fingers and other body parts) I might get a little help from them with some "reconstructive surgery"....aka: plastics! Good luck! Joyce
Sarah C.
on 4/17/06 3:21 pm - Mesa, AZ
Jessica, I to just got UHC and have had no problem with getting the ball rolling. I called DR. Fangs offive, I didn't need a refferal, got into the first required seminar and made an appt. with him on the same day. I go to see him on May 1st. I am soooo excited. I also went and had my psych eval, again no refferal, I just called UHC and they gave me some psychs that were covered, I chose one, called, amde the appt. had to call UHC back and let them know which one I chose. I have had nothing but wonderful things with UHC! If you would like the name of my psych just e-mail me, she was very nice! And also said I would be a great candidate for the WLS!!!! Yay!!! Good luck. Sarah
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